Threads is not available in Europe. Why so?

Instagram recently introduced its new social media platform, Threads, on July 6. It is considered Twitter’s strongest competitor. On the first day of its launch, the app reached a record 50 million users.

However, Europe does not use Threads at all. Because?

Can people across Europe access Threads?

No. People in Europe cannot access Threads. Many features of Threads are similar to those of Twitter, and this fact has generated several issues of controversy and falling revenue. This has led technology companies to think about possible substitutes. Instagram is popular for being a primarily visual content application, Instagram Threads are different.

However, in Europe the situation is not like in the rest of the world. Europe will be able to see the launch of Threads only after Meta decides to do so. Matt Pollard, a spokesperson for Meta, made a statement saying that the company has not made Threads accessible to Europe due to upcoming regulatory uncertainty.

This means that Meta expects some clarity from the European body in charge of regulating these types of applications. The application seeks approval from the European Commission, the executive arm of the European Union, so that Meta can launch Threads in EU nations.

The need for approval

In March 2022, a law was passed in the EU Parliament, known as the European Union Digital Markets Act (DMA). The DMA is considered one of the strictest data protection and privacy laws in the world. The main objective of the law is to limit the influence of large technology companies and balance regulation for other companies as well. This, therefore, affects the quality of experiences and the choice of online users.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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