Thief (2014) – walkthrough, safe combinations, puzzle solutions, loot locations

It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years since Garrett last wandered through a city of shadows, but 2014 finally sees the rebirth of a franchise that many assumed had fallen into darkness forever. In addition to returning to its traditional home on PC, this new and revitalized series has also seen action on the new generation of PlayStation and Xbox consoles, not to mention the old one.

We cook thief’s sloop

In addition to a decent-sized campaign to work through, there are plenty of special collectibles to search for along the way. We’ve broken down our walkthrough into individual chapters of the game and made sure you get all of those set items as you progress through each stage of the campaign.

Thief: Prologue, Unique Loot, Bright Plumage, Voyeur’s Diary. The opening section of Thief primarily serves to introduce you to some of Garrett’s most useful sneak tricks, such as blowing out candles to create a little more shade and minimize disturbances. Although this section of the prologue is short, there are still one or two collectibles to collect along the way.

Thief: Lock, Security Code, Jewelry, Lyegrove Letter, Jeweled Mask. In the first real chapter of the game, you’ll have to sneak Garrett into a jewelry store so he can put his dirty gloves on a gorgeous mask. As expected, the shop owner is somewhat less interested in this goal. Our guide to this fun heist will help you get in, get the loot, and get out again without a scratch.

Thief: Dust to Dust, Paint Puzzles, Customer Loot, Collectibles. You’ll receive a new tool, the Wrench, for Garrett’s journey through this industrial area, and you’ll need it to sneak through the vents that are scattered throughout. stage. You’ll face a lot more guards in this second chapter, so if you’re having trouble breaking through, use our simple walkthrough.

Thief: Dirty Secrets, Podium Puzzle, Opium Kitchen, Symbol Locations. If you’ve ever wanted to crawl into a brothel and silently execute everyone inside, well, we probably can’t help you to be honest. What we can do, however, is help you get through this chapter of Thief with a magnificently clever trick that eliminates almost all of the residents with the flip of a switch. Follow our route through this part of the game and you’ll also get every last collectible at the same time.

Thief: A Friend in Need, Excellent Security Combination, Basso Rescue, Collectibles. The fourth main chapter of 2014’s Thief is the biggest yet and has plenty of entertaining stealth sections, along with one or two clever puzzles. You’ll probably find it useful to carry some of Shady Merchant’s tools while she works on this chapter, so use our guide to properly arm yourself before setting out on your journey.

We have your back, in the best possible way, of course…

Thief: Forsaken, Night Guardian, kill Freaks, code security, lift doors. The Thief’s Haven is filled with extremely aggressive enemy types. From the Night Guardian to the Freaks that populate the lower level of this institution, it’s safe to say that you’ll need your wits if you want to get out safely again. If you follow the advice in this section of our guide, you will have a much easier time dealing with these threats.

Thief – A Man Apart, secret room guide, locked chest, machine controls, escape bridge. Puzzles and platforming accompany the usual assassination action in the seventh part of our walkthrough for the new Thief. We’ll help you separate both the people and the puzzles, while also gathering all the items you need for your collections.

Thief – The Hidden City, Thief-Taker General tactics, Graven City guide The penultimate chapter of the main Thief campaign concludes with a fight against the Thief-Taker General himself. We have a very simple tactic for this fight that will turn the tables in your favor. Check out our guide to the Hidden City section of the game for all the help you may need.

Thief: The Dawn’s Light, kill Primal Erin, Primal Stone guide, find Dawn’s Light. Ready for the final meeting with Erin? Our walkthrough for the final chapter of Thief contains a very simple strategy for concluding the main campaign. If you haven’t worked through the previous parts of this guide, make sure you have purchased the bow upgrade and can use fire arrows; you will need them.

Thief – All security codes, safe locations and safe combinations. There are plenty of safes right there to crack Thief’s main campaign and client jobs. To save you from having to dig through all the documents you’ve collected on your journey, we’ve put together all the combination codes you need to reach the treasure within.

We also have essential guides for even the most complicated additional client jobs.

Thief: Client Job 1: Crafted, Eel Biters, Mechanical Automaton Hand, Secret Loot. In addition to the main story campaign, there’s a selection of client work to dive into in this year’s Thief. Don’t expect adventures with the same depth as the main quest, but they generally offer a little more freedom when it comes to strategy. First up is our guide to completing Hand Tailored.

Thief – Client Job 2: Happy Half, Thief Challenges, All Rewards You’ll need to take a very specific approach if you want to complete the Happy Half while also meeting the demands of each Thief Challenge. Use this part of our guide to finish the job on Thief’s second client in style.

Thief – Client Job 3: Silence is Golden, Voice Box, Thief Challenges Guide. There are a handful of very easy additional rewards to obtain from the third Thief client job, but you’ll have to follow a very specific path to get them all at once. . This part of our guide will help you get the job done nice and fast, and make you rich at the same time.

Thief – Client Job 4: The carnal connoisseur, safe combination, finds the hand of the automaton. You won’t be able to complete the four additional challenges in this client job in one attempt, but we can help you get the first three. If you’re having trouble finding your safe combination, we’ve got you covered too.

Thief – Client Job 5: Sideshow, free Ysabella, kill Eelbiters, combat takedowns. To complete Thief’s fifth special client job, you’ll need to infiltrate a building and free Ysabella from the clutches of the Eelbiters. Danger lurks around every corner of this tense mission, so check out our guide if you need a little help getting through it.

Thief – Client Job 6: Heartbroken, Clockwork puzzle, Project Pendulum, unlock Working Overtime. The sixth and final Thief client job is the trickiest of all, and if you make just one mistake, you’ll find it impossible to collect all the loot you need. to get the additional challenge reward. Follow our step-by-step guide and you’ll be cleaning in no time.

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