These brain teasers are surely going to make you laugh!

Puzzles are a fun way to regain the excitement lost in your monotonous daily schedule. Puzzles can act as a great stress buster when you feel lost, confused or just very stressed. Riddles can be of multiple forms. Basically, anything that’s so mind-blowing that it surprises you, or anything that forces you to think outside the box to find the right answer.

Today we bring you seven short, sharp yet exciting riddles that are sure to make you doubt your mind one moment and laugh out loud the next. And well, what’s better than a riddle that is not only quirky but also makes you laugh in this stressed life?

Are you ready?

Here we go!

Puzzle 1:

Choose the correct phrase: “The yolk of the egg is white” or “the yolk of the egg is white.”

Hope for? What is the difference between the two sentences after all? Is it grammar or the use of capital letters that differentiates the two types?phrases about each other? Only God knows!

Puzzle 2:

Hana’s mother had five children. The first was called Lala, the second Lele, the third Lili and the fourth Lolo. What was the name of the fifth child?

Oh! Vowels are at play here!

Puzzle 3:

The more there is, the less you see. What is it?

Hope for? This has made millions of readers rub their eyes three times.

Where did the snail come from? Find the hidden snail in this optical illusion image!

Puzzle 4:

How far can a dog run in the woods?

Perhaps, to the extent that your stamina allows? Can’t we ask the dog directly?

Puzzle 5:

You can find it on Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, but not on Venus or Neptune. What is it?

Oh! We’re not astronauts, right? I wish I could choose astronomy as a major!

Puzzle 6:

What is full of holes but can still hold water?

How is it possible for something with holes to retain water? There must be a problem with the question!

Puzzle 7:

He likes food, but water kills him. What is it?

Wait! Is it a type of organism? Oh, I didn’t even take botany as a major!

Don’t worry. Whenever we pose challenging questions, we also offer answers! Because? Well, we don’t like our readers to go to bed with a disturbed mind. Here are all the answers you’ve been thinking about!


Let’s start with the first question.

Puzzle 1:

Choose the correct phrase: “The yolk of the egg is white” or “the yolk of the egg is white.”

Answer 1:

None of them are correct. Egg yolks are not white, they are yellow!

Puzzle 2:

Hana’s mother had five children. The first was called Lala, the second Lele, the third Lili and the fourth Lolo. What was the name of the fifth child?

Answer 2:

Hana, herself! How can we forget Hana?

Puzzle 3:

The more there is, the less you see. What is it?

Answer 3:

Fog. Definitely!

Puzzle 4:

How far can a dog run in the woods?

Answer 4:

Only halfway. Once the dog reaches the halfway point, he is actually running. outside of the forests.

Puzzle 5:

You can find it on Mercury, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, but not on Venus or Neptune. What is it?

Answer 5:

The letter “R”

Puzzle 6:

What is full of holes but can still hold water?

Answer 6:

Well, a sponge.

Puzzle 7:

He likes food, but water kills him. What is it?

Answer 7:


We are sure you must have had a lot of fun solving them. Are you eager to see more puzzles of this type? Stay tuned!

Puzzle: Guess the names of these three countries and show your intelligence!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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