What is the Lebanon-Israel agreement on maritime borders? What are the Lebanese requirements?

Lebanon and Israel have recently given their approval to a historic agreement to end the maritime border dispute; a dispute that had been developing for quite some time in the Mediterranean Sea. The agreement is beneficial for both parties. The agreement meets the requirements of both nations.

Elias Bou Saab, Vice President of Lebanon, declared on Wednesday, after presenting the final draft of the agreement to President Michel Aoun, that an agreement has been reached that aims to satisfy both sides.

“Lebanon obtained all its rights and all its statements were taken into account,” said the vice president of Lebanon. He also stated that the final draft “takes into consideration all of Lebanon’s requirements and we believe the other side should feel the same.”

According to the Lebanese presidency, the agreement on the demarcation will be announced soon. It is interesting to note that President Michel Aoun has clarified that the agreement would not involve a “partnership” with Israel. Despite the notable agreement, the two nations are still technically at war.

Additionally, Eyal Hulata, an Israeli national security adviser who led the nation’s negotiating team, echoed the vice president’s remarks.

“All of our demands were met and the changes we requested were corrected. “We have protected Israel’s security interests and are on the path to a historic agreement,” the man said.

On the other hand, Israel calls it “a historic achievement that will strengthen Israel’s security.”

The signing date of the agreement has not yet been decided.

The agreement

All eyes are on the deal in hopes that it can ease economic and security concerns between the two rival countries.

The agreement is expected to resolve a long-standing territorial dispute at the eastern end of the Mediterranean Sea. This is where Lebanon hopes to explore much-demanded natural gas, and Israel has successfully explored commercially viable quantities of hydrocarbons.

What are the Lebanese requirements?

Previously, Lebanon had countless concerns regarding the border.

To begin with, the first concern concerned a border line marked with buoys that was curated by Israel after its forces withdrew from Lebanon in 2000.

Lebanon asked that the draft text be modified to prevent it from becoming an international maritime border.

Lebanon then did not approve the Qana gas field in an exploration block in southern Lebanon that flows into Israeli waters. The field has not yet been explored. While Lebanon is not willing to pay any benefits from its participation in the field to its rival nation, Israel, the other party claims it can remain within its exclusive economic zone.

Finally, the Lebanese government wanted TotalEnergies, the French oil giant, to work with it independently of any projects with Israel.

Let’s learn about Hezbollah, a political party in Lebanon backed by Iran. The party has threatened to resort to force against Israel should the latter seek gas around the disputed area before permission is granted to Lebanon.

According to an Al Jazeera journalist reporting from West Jerusalem, “This is the first time that any kind of agreement has been reached between these two countries.”

The report states that the agreement is in Israel’s security interest, as Lebanon currently depends on Israel for energy.

“Israel is interested in Lebanon being able to exploit any reserves it can find in its territorial waters,” the journalist added.

Israel will hold a security cabinet meeting on Wednesday and then the deal will go to the high court.

“Then the Israeli Knesset has to give it the final approval,” the journalist further stated. “They want to do all this before Israel’s elections on November 1, but there is no guarantee it will happen before then.”

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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