Story of Seasons Child: How to have a child and child growth cycle in Pioneers of Olive Town explained

After getting married, the next step in your family life in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town is to have a child.

You will see your child grow up, but before he can join your family, you must make sure that he meets the various childhood requirements or else you will be childless for quite some time.

If you’re still looking for a romantic partner, check out our marriage prospects guide or, if family life isn’t for you, our Pioneers of Olive Town divorce guide.

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Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town – Game Features Trailer – Nintendo Switch

Child requirements in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

If you want to have a child in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, you must meet a series of requirements.

The first is, obviously, to marry any of the 10 marriage candidates found in Olive Town or any of the six additional candidates introduced through the Expansion Pass.

Once you are married, you will need to increase your spouse’s Friendship Level up to 15 by completing the five additional hearts you obtain in the Residential Information section of your Notebook. You can easily do this by giving them their favorite gifts.

Give your spouse gifts they like to quickly raise your friendship level.

Finally, you must see four new heart scenes with your husband and wife.

Three of these scenes (asking about the gender of your child, dreaming about having a child, and having breakfast with your spouse) will unlock naturally as you progress through married life and will continue to raise your partner’s friendship level.

The most important Heart Scene of these three will be the first, which determines the sex of your child.

During this scene, your partner will ask you if you prefer a boy, a girl, or you have no preference. Even if your child’s birth is months away, your answer to this question will determine the sex of your child, so make this decision carefully.

Your choice here will decide the sex of your child.

The final scene involves you having dinner with your partner and to activate it, you must make sure you return home after 7 pm at night. Fortunately, this scene will play even if your companion is not on the farm at the time.

You must enter your house after 7 pm to activate this scene.

If you’re having trouble finding this heart scene, continue raising your spouse’s friendship level until it plays.

How to have a child in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Once you have met the requirements to have a child at Pioneers of Olive Town, you will simply have to wait for them to arrive.

For us, this event occurred approximately two months and four days after we got married. It’s important to note that, at that point, we had maximized our spouse’s friendship level by giving them gifts that everyone liked, like the jewelry locket.

When it’s time for your family to grow, you’ll be woken up in the morning by a cutscene involving the Earth Goblin, who will ask you to follow them. This will eventually lead to you having a child, who will either be the same sex you chose in the first Heart Scene with your spouse or will be selected at random if you choose to have no preference.

This scene will also give you the opportunity to name your child, and considering that you won’t be able to change it later, choose it carefully.

You may encounter a bug during this scene where the game gets stuck on the transition loading screen.

To avoid the error, you must stay awake until your character automatically goes to bed. Once this happens, you will see your farm earnings over the days and then the scene should play normally, with only a short loading scene between scenes.

We also recommend saving every morning once you’ve maxed out your spouse’s friendship level to ensure you don’t lose too much progress if you encounter this bug. This will also ensure that you can quickly go back to the day before this scene occurs to implement the solution.

Once the scene has played, you will find your child lying in a new bed next to yours and there he will remain until he grows up. His birthday will also be marked on the calendar.

How your child’s appearance is determined in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

Your child’s appearance in Pioneers of Olive Town is determined by the traits you and your partner share in terms of hair color, eye color, and skin color. Since these traits are chosen at random, there is no way to know which traits will be passed down from each parent until you see the child.

Our daughter, for example, had Queen’s eye color, but our hair was burgundy.

It’s also important to note that if you use the beauty salon to change any of these three traits on your avatar the day before your child is born, the child’s appearance will be based on these new traits, not the old ones.

If you don’t like your child’s initial appearance, you can always close the game before saving after your child’s arrival and replay the scene to reselect these appearance traits.

For more help with Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town, check out our candidate’s guide to marriage and romance, how to get a divorce or have a child, and how to find all the tools.

Child Growth Cycle in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town Explained

As the seasons pass in Pioneers of Olive Town, your child will slowly grow.

There are three main stages of growth that your child will experience: baby, toddler, and toddler. They will stop growing once they reach the toddler stage and will never be able to help you on the farm.

Your child will have three stages of growth: baby, toddler, and toddler.

During the baby stage, your child will lie in the bed next to yours on the farm and you will not be able to interact with him at all. This stage will last 30 days from the date of your child’s birth.

After those 30 days, your child will become a toddler. During this stage he will crawl around your house, go to bed at 7:00 p.m. and you will be able to talk to him, although he won’t have much to say.

Your child will remain a toddler for 96 days and, on the 76th day from birth, you will have a scene of them taking their first steps.

Once you have had your child for 96 days, they will become a toddler, the final stage of their development.

They will now dine at their farm table, go to bed at approximately 8:30 pm, stroll around Olive Town, visit residents’ homes and the land near their home.

You will also be able to talk to them, but you will not be able to give them gifts and they will not appear in the Resident Information section of your notebook.

Finally, there will be a short scene that you can watch on your child’s birthday.

How to Get Rid of Your Child in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

If you no longer want to be a parent in Pioneers of Olive Town, then it is possible to erase them from existence.

It is important to note that this process will also end your current marriage, so if you wish to remain with your current partner, consider whether or not you wish to remarry after the removal of your child.

If you finally decide that you want to say goodbye to your child permanently, follow the same process as divorcing your partner. Remember: this will also cause you to skip a day in advance, so be sure to take care of anything important before doing this process.

Have fun with your child, whether you decide to keep him or not!

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