Spot The Difference: Can You spot 5 differences between the two images in 12 seconds?

Spot 5 Differences in 10 Seconds

Find the difference: The “find the difference” activity is one of the most engaging activities that internet users can experience. It involves finding the difference between two identical images.

It is an effective method to assess how good your observation skills are. An individual, group or team could do this activity.

These types of exercises are more effective in increasing attention and improving observation skills.

This activity becomes more attractive and competitive with the addition of a time factor.

Ready for some action?

Then get on.

Find the Difference: Can you spot 10 differences between the two images in 44 seconds?

Find the differences – Find 5 differences in 12 seconds


Source: Pinterest

The image shared above shows two identical images where you can see a hedgehog preparing to paint, to keep him company are the sun, butterflies and bees.

Although the images appear identical at first glance, there are 5 differences between the two images and you have 12 seconds to find them.

The best way to find all the differences is to pay close attention to the image and note the differences that catch your attention.

While some differences are easily seen, others can be difficult to spot and may require some searching.

How many differences have you noticed?

Note the differences quickly so you can count them later.

People with good observation skills will be able to spot most, if not all, differences within the time limit.

Did you find 5 differences in 12 seconds?

This activity serves as an excellent exercise for the brain by stimulating critical thinking, which is beneficial for improving cognitive abilities.

Have you noticed all the differences?

Hurry up; time will end soon.

It is not possible to detect all the differences at the same time. But the excitement of finding the differences is helpful in providing exercise to the brain that will improve your cognitive abilities.

So far we have reached the end of the challenge.

How many of you were able to spot all the differences within the time limit?

Are you curious to know what the 5 differences were?

Then look at the solution below.

Find 5 differences in 12 seconds – Solution

The following are the differences between the two images:


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Categories: Optical Illusion

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