Solar Eclipse 2023: Today, Time in India, Where and How To Watch The Rare Surya Grahan Live?

Solar eclipse 2023: The Ningaloo eclipse, a “hybrid” solar eclipse, will occur today (April 20). There will be a total of four eclipses in 2023, including two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses. The Vaishakh Amavasya, or new moon day of the Hindu month of Vaishakh, will mark the appearance of the first solar eclipse or Surya Grahan of the year. Here you have all the information you need about its incidence, visibility and other aspects. A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon moves in front of the Sun, completely or partially blocking the image of the Sun for observers on Earth. On April 20, the first solar eclipse of this year will occur from 7:04 am to 12:29 pm IST.

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April 20, 2023

Also know: Lunar eclipse 2023

What is the hybrid solar eclipse?

A hybrid solar eclipse is an unusual type of solar eclipse that varies from an annular eclipse to a total eclipse and vice versa when the Moon’s shadow passes over the Earth’s surface. The name of the solar eclipse ‘Ningaloo’ comes from the name of the Australian coast of Ningaloo. And it received its name because of its partial visibility. Since it is a hybrid eclipse that has annular parts of its course near sunrise and sunset.

Solar Eclipse 2023 (Surya Grahan): Today’s Timings

In India: No, this hybrid solar eclipse will not be visible in India. It will start at 7:04 am and end at 12:29 pm as per Indian IST timings.

Other countries: The first eclipse of the year will reportedly be visible from Western Australia, East Timor, and Eastern Indonesia from 9:36 p.m. EDT on April 19 until 2:59 a.m.

Check – Chandra Grahan 2023 Time Today

When to see the 2023 hybrid solar eclipse?

The 2023 solar eclipse will only be observable from a very small number of sites. In Australia, East and South Asia, the Pacific Ocean, Antarctica and the Indian Ocean, you can witness the change from annular to full before becoming annular again. However, India would not be able to see any of the eclipse actions, neither total nor partial.

According to the Indian astrological calendar, everyone on Earth who enjoys observing the sky will be able to witness this tremendous change online in 2023 between 7:04 a.m. and 12:29 p.m.

What is a partial solar eclipse? Time, duration, visibility and more

How to see the 2023 solar eclipse live?

There will be a total of four eclipses in 2023, including two lunar eclipses and two solar eclipses. When viewing a solar eclipse, it is essential to take safety precautions because they can permanently damage your eyes and cause blindness. NASA suggests using appropriate filters, such as 14-tone solder glass, black polymer, or aluminized Mylar. Another option is to use a telescope to view the Sun through binoculars or a telescope to project the image of the Sun on a whiteboard during the eclipse.

The solar eclipse can be safely observed from a viewing platform because there are not many places on Earth that will witness this rare celestial change. For example, will broadcast the solar eclipse live.

The Gravity Discovery Center & Observatory near Perth, Australia, will also host a live stream of the eclipse on its YouTube channel starting at 10 p.m. EDT on April 19 (0200 GMT April 20).

Also Check: Surya Grahan Time 2023 Today

When will the next solar eclipse be in 2023?

The next solar eclipse of 2023 will take place on October 14, while the two lunar eclipses of the year will take place on May 5 and 6 and October 28 and 29.

What is an eclipse?

A temporary obstruction of an astronomical object or spacecraft as it passes into the shadow of another body or an obstruction in alignment causes an eclipse. Syzygy is the scientific name for this alignment of three celestial bodies.

What are the types of eclipses?

There are four types of solar eclipses: total, partial, hybrid and annular. The Moon’s alignment with the Earth and Sun, as well as its distance from Earth, determine the type of eclipse that will be visible to the public. Total, partial and penumbral lunar eclipses are three different varieties.

Solar eclipse 2023: What are the different types of eclipses?

What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

Solar eclipses occur when the Moon moves in front of the Sun and Earth, casting an area of ​​changing shadow on the planet’s surface. When the Earth moves in front of the Sun and Moon, a lunar eclipse occurs, covering the Moon with a shadow.

Difference between solar and lunar eclipse, know the solar and lunar eclipse

When will the next hybrid solar eclipse be?

The last hybrid solar eclipse occurred in 2013, and the next one will occur in 2031. After that, we have to wait for the hybrid solar eclipse until March 23, 2164.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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