Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, evolution chart, 100% perfect IV stats and Obstagoon best moveset in Pokémon Go

Galarian Zigzagoon is the Pokémon of the Day for August Community Day: a recurring Pokémon Go event that increases the spawn rate of a specific Pokémon, while also increasing shine rates and offering an exclusive move, along with with a host of other bonuses!

The Galarian form of the Pokémon Tiny Racoon is a dark and normal type, and can be somewhat rare outside of special events, so if you are still looking for a perfect Galaran Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone or its final evolution, Obstagoon, or even a shiny Zigzagoon from Galar: this Pokémon Go event is for you!

This event is also perfect for catching a Galarian Zigzagoon with 100% perfect IV stats, and if you achieve this feat, it’s a good idea to know Obstagoon’s best moveset.

Even if you’re not worried about this month’s Community Day Pokémon, there are plenty of other bonuses that can get you out of the house, especially if you’re a fan of Go Battle League.

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Galarian Zigzagoon’s 100% perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go

August Community Day is the perfect opportunity to find a Galarian Zigzagoon with perfect IV stats in Pokémon Go.

Galarian Zigzagoon.

For Galarian Zigzagoon, the CP values ​​that correspond to perfect 15/15/15 stats are as follows:

  • Level 30 (Max Wild CP) – 435 CP
  • Level 35 (maximum CP boosted by weather) – 667 CP

Galarian Zigzagoon’s wild CP value aligns with your current trainer level until you reach level 30, so since the majority of the player base is above this level, we maintain these values ​​for the sake of simplicity. However, if you are currently below level 30, these values ​​will be different.

However, perfect stats in Pokémon Go depend entirely on what you want to use your Pokémon for.

Perfect for Master League and raids exclusively means 15/15/15 – the best possible stats a Pokémon can have. Meanwhile, Perfect for Great League and Ultra League are completely different, as the goal is to get the lowest attack for the highest defense and get that CP as close to the league cap as possible.

If you want to run Obstagoon in those two leagues, you’re looking at different stats:

  • A perfect Great League Obstagoon is 0/14/15, reaching CP1500 at level 21.5
  • A perfect Ultra League Obstagoon is 0/15/13, reaching CP2500 at level 42, meaning Candy XL is required.

It remains to be seen how useful Obstagoon is, thanks to its new charged move, Obstruct. This is the first time we’ve seen Obstruct in Pokémon Go, and while we know a lot, we don’t know everything, specifically its cost. It will either be a slight buff to Night Slash, with some additional buffs and debuffs (simultaneously raising your defense and lowering opponents), or it will make Obstagoon very meta-relevant.

Right now, Obstagoon isn’t even in the top 10 Dark-type Pokémon in Great League, but this could be the move update that changes that. As for Ultra League, Obsagoon is very close to Mandibuzz and quite a bit behind Scrafty, but again, Obstruct can change that completely.

If you’re a big fan of PvP, this is definitely the Community Day you need to attend. This means that if you’re looking for Pokémon from the Great League and Ultra League, you’ll want to look for the following Galarian Zigzagoon CP levels:

  • Level 21.5 (Great League Perfect Obstagoon) – 1500 CP
  • Level 30 (Ultra League Perfect Obstagoon) – 343 CP

Galarian Zigzagoon Evolution Chart: What does Galarian Zigzagoon evolve into?

Unlike the original Zigzagoon, which can only evolve once, Galarian Zigzagoon has two evolutions: Galarian Linoone and Obstagoon.

Fortunately, in Pokémon Go, all forms of a given Pokémon share the same resources; This means that you will need a total of 125 Zigzagoon Candies to complete this evolution line; 25 for Galarian Linoone and another 100 for Obstagoon.

Galar Zigzagoon evolution table
All Pokémon in the Galarian Zigzagoon evolutionary line are dark and normal types. (Image credit: | Image credit:

The August Community Day event takes place between 11am and 2pm (local time), so you’ll have three hours to collect as many Zigzagoon candies as possible.

If you’re short on candy, use Pinap Berries and Silver Pinap Berries to double the amount of candy you get from catching them, and make sure you have a Mega Evolved Normal or Dark-type Pokémon, something like Gyarados, Houndoom, or Lopunny will do. well, and gives an extra candy per catch without any extra work.

Obstagoon Moves and Best Moveset Recommendation

The question we all have now is what is the best Obstagoon moveset?


So far in Great League, a moveset of Counter (Fast), Night Slash (Charged), and Gunk Shot (Charged) is generally recommended. For Ultra League, replace Gunk Shot with Cross Chop as they target different Pokémon depending on the meta.

However, at the very least, Obstruct should be as good, if not slightly better, than Night Slash. However, if it turns out to be a very cheap and spammed move, it will be much better than Night Slash.

For now, the recommendation is to acquire an Obstagoon for the league of your choice with this exclusive move. If it turns out the move isn’t any good, it’s much easier to get Night Slash than the signature move after the fact.

If you want to see the full moveset, here it is:

Obstagoon Quick Moves

  • Counterattack (fight)
  • Lick (ghost)

Movements loaded with obstacles

  • Night Slash (Dark)
  • Cross cut (fight)
  • Hyper Beam (Normal)
  • Gunshot (poison) shot

The Season of Adventure Abundance is here! The Psychic Spectular event is back! You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball mission and compete in Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to encounter Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

What do the shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone and Obstagoon look like?

The opportunity to capture a Shiny form of the featured Pokémon is one of the biggest draws of any Community Day event. This is due to the increased shine rate for the event’s featured Pokémon combined with how capturing Pokémon of the same type naturally increases said rate, making it easier to find shines.

To find a shiny Pokémon, you must start a catch match with a Pokémon in the wild or win the catch match by completing an activity such as a raid. From there, it’s easy to see if you’ve encountered a shiny Pokémon due to its alternate color, the sparkles that glow when the encounter begins, and the shiny icon next to the Pokémon’s name.

While these shinies have been available for a while, their relative rarity in the generation pool and how much they resemble a famous album cover makes them highly sought after.

Below you can take a look at the shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, Galarian Linoone, and Obsagoon along with their usual non-shiny appearances:

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As you can see, the three take on a more glam rock look, moving from the world of KISS to something more Ziggy Stardust.

If you want to evolve the shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, we recommend waiting until after the event, where you will have up to five hours (until 7 pm local time) to evolve and get the exclusive move. This way, you’ll have enough time to hopefully capture a couple of shiny Galarian Zigzagoons, along with enough candies to evolve them, without having to worry about going through your collection at the same time. Remember, it’s a good idea to check the stats of your shiny Galarian Zigzagoon, because it might have perfect IVs, making it even better for battle!

Evolving a Shiny Galarian Zigzagoon will add a Shiny Galarian Linoone and, if you complete the evolution line, a Shiny Obstagoon to your collection. If you fully evolve a shiny Galarian Zigzagoon during the event hours, the resulting shiny Obstagoon will know Obstract, the new exclusive dark-type charged attack for this Community Day.

I hope you enjoy Galarian Zigzagoon Community Day and good luck finding the perfect shiny!

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