Seek and Find: Only a genius can spot 6 among 8’s in 4 seconds. Are you the one?

Seek and Find Puzzle: The “seek and find” puzzle is based on the premise of finding an item hidden within a picture within a time limit.

These riddles help develop concentration and attention in people and also eliminate stress.

It has been suggested that regular practice is beneficial in developing better cognitive skills in young people and at the same time preventing cognitive decline in adults.

Let’s fast forward and see how attentive you are with this simple activity.

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Search and find: find 6 among 8 in 4 seconds


Source: Youtube

The image shared above shows a series of numbers 8. There is a 6 among the entire series of 8s.

The task for you is to detect the 6 in 4 seconds.

People with keen observation skills will be able to spot the number faster than others.

Pay attention to the image and see if you can spot the number 6 quickly.

Have you seen number 6?


Do I need a hint?

Here it is.

The number is not on the right side of the image.

Did you see the number now?

Hurry up; there’s not much time left.


Time is over.

How many of you have successfully detected the number?

Curious to know where the number is?

See the solution below.

Find 6 among 8 in 4 seconds – Solution

The number 6 can be seen in the third column on the left side of the image.


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Categories: Optical Illusion

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