PUBG Miramar Map: vehicles, strategies, and the best start locations for the desert map

PUBG Miramar Map: vehicles, strategies, and the best start locations for the desert map

PUBG’s Miramar map is the second map available, having been announced with great excitement in late 2017.

Matching the 8 by 8 kilometer configuration of the original Battlegrounds map, Erangel, the Miramar map is a dusty biome with a mix of vast plains, high-level settlements, a sprawling desert, and a coastline surrounded by islands.

Here on this page we’ll explain everything you need to know about the map itself, including exclusive Miramar vehicles and items, plus our tips and advice on the best Miramar starting locations and drop zones, general information about the map and ours. Dedicated Miramar strategies to make the most of the desert map’s unusual terrain.

This page is part of our guides for each of the PUBG maps. For more information, head to our pages dedicated to Sanhok, Erangel and Miramar, Vikendi or check out the best PUBG loot locations in one place.

In this page:

PUBG: Xbox One X vs Xbox One Early Access Frame Rate Test!

PUBG Miramar Map Explained: Desert Map Size, Coverage, and General Information

Now that Miramar has been free for a while, we have become much more intimate with its various quirks and characteristics.

Here is the map of Miramar, before going into details:

PUBG Miramar Desert Map:

PUBG Miramar map.

Design, size, setting and cover.

As you may have guessed, the Miramar Desert map is set in the desert, or at least in a fictional Central American sand biome. It has a clear ‘western’ vibe, with classic frontier weapons like the Winchester being featured at its release. We explored Miramar ourselves when it launched, which you can see in the video below:

As for its general characteristics, the main thing to highlight about Miramar is that it is open, much more so than the Erangel map, although it is open in a different way than many people seem to think.

One of the main complaints players have had about Miramar is that it feels too open due to the lack of cover. That’s not necessarily true: there may be a little less coverage than Erangel, but more coverage has been added in patches over time, and we think it’s more a case of Miramar. feeling opened by the line of sight differences he has with Erangel.

The only thing that really differentiates them is the excess of trees in Erangel. They provide fairly poor cover, but a handful of trees spread across fairly open fields is enough to drastically alter the line of sight of snipers and people scanning the plains for crossing players.

While Miramar may have a lot of coverage, it is actually better To protect you than the trees, like the rolling terrain itself, it’s the fact that you can see so far and so clearly that makes you feel so vulnerable when you traverse it.

In terms of size, Miramar is actually the same size as Erangel, although some believe it to be different: it is an 8×8 grid of large squares, with each large square equaling one kilometer.

PUBG Update #29 is now live – here’s our guide to the latest PUBG patch notes for Update 29 to get you up to speed. Meanwhile, we have dedicated pages about the Sanhok map, the Erangel map, the Miramar map and also the Vikendi map. If you’re looking for some more extensive tips, our list of PUBG tips and tricks, PUBG weapon damage stats, and best PUBG weapons and loot locations can help.

PUBG Miramar map vehicles and unique features

Like all PUBG maps so far, Miramar has some unique vehicles, weapons, and features that are specific to it. Here is a summary of each.

Unique Miramar vehicles:

  • Pickup (Open Top): 4 seats that replaces the open UAZ
  • Pickup truck (closed top): 4 seats that replaces the closed UAZ
  • Van: slow moving 6 seater joker bus
  • Mirado – 4-seater sports car

Miramar’s unique weapons:

  • Win94: sniper rifle, incompatible with scopes
  • Cropped: Shotgun equipped in weapon slot
  • R45: pistol that replaces the R1895

Other features of Miramar:

  • Miaramar has four types of dynamic weather available: day (clear), sunrise, rain and fog.

Best starting locations, drop zones and strategies on the Miramar Desert map

As with any PUBG map, the best starting locations for a given match will always depend on the situation and how you like to play.

In general, though, if you want to win and not practice your combat or waste time, there are a few things you’ll always want: loot, safety, and an easy route to the safe zone. In fact, we covered the best PUBG loot locations for all maps, pointing out loot quality, quantity, and risk factor in a separate, dedicated guide, but here’s a quick rundown of some of the best places to start.

Best Miramar departure locations and drop-off areas:

  • Hacienda – This is Miramar’s version of the Erangel School; a small complex packed with good loot, but also almost guaranteed to have other players there, even if the plane’s trajectory was nowhere near it and you got there as fast as you could. Survive the firefight and you will be one of the best equipped in the game.
  • Prison: Like the Treasury, this place has probably the best loot in the game. Unlike Hacienda, it is less popular because it is right in the corner of the map, meaning it is only viable occasionally. The best time to go here is when the plane path is quite far away, but you can get close upon landing and arrive in about a minute by vehicle. That way you’ll usually receive it yourself and then have time to quickly reserve it in the safe zone.
  • Casino in Pecado: The Casino Pecado is a bit like the Erangel Hospital. A single large building filled with top quality weapons and equipment. However, it is very central, like Hacienda, which means it is almost always within airdrop range and therefore almost always crowded, so expect a gunfight if you go.
  • Ladrilleria: A lesser-known gem that I hate to tell the world about, Ladrilleria usually has enough gear for one or two players, although it varies greatly with RNG. Sometimes there will be three M416s and level 2 armor, sometimes three Winchesters, depending on your luck. It’s usually quiet if it’s on the verge of parachute distance and it’s also close to another big city and some warehouses that you can access if needed.
  • Military Camp: Right at the top right of the map, this place is rarely within casting range and often gets you stuck at the far end of the map to the safe zone if you’re unlucky with the RNG, but It’s full of great equipment. The main problem is that it’s so spread out that it takes a long time to get it all in, but it’s great for team play where you can afford to spread out a bit.
  • Minas Generales: A bit like Ladrilleria, this place is rarely crowded with other players, partly because it is quite close to hot areas like Hacienda and Pecado, which the masses tend to prefer. The various levels of the large machinery structures have a lot of level 2 equipment, and within the multi-level buildings you will find a good variety of weapons. Another good one for the squads as it’s pretty spread out again. Also move to the Graveyard if you are still missing one or two key items.

The official screens don’t quite do it justice, but the more desert areas can be vast, difficult to navigate, and deadly if you’re not smart about moving through them.

Away from specific drop zones and landing sites, the general tips for landing and surviving in Miramar are quite similar to those in Erangel. Here are our general tips for where to land when playing on the map:

PUBG Miramar map strategies:

  • Specifically in Miramar, take some extra time to traverse the desert map. Despite patches to fix the problem, vehicles are still harder to find and off-roading is much more difficult to navigate thanks to miles and miles of rough, uncomfortable terrain that your vehicle can suddenly get stuck on.
  • As we mentioned above, while there is plenty of natural cover in Miramar (those humps, potholes, and hills are horrible to drive on, but great for ducking and diving between them), the sight lines are very open. Avoid crossing open areas surrounded by hills, especially on foot.
  • Remember the approximate distance of 1 to 2 square kilometers as a guide to how far out of the flight path you can go, depending on how high you open your parachute, and keep in mind that skydiving has changed with the introduction of the parachute map! Vikendi on PC! You can now glide by holding Control, which keeps you high in the air but moves you much slower, and you can also descend much faster by holding Shift, although that drastically reduces your distance.
  • Know when to jump by lining up the plane’s wing with your marker. When it is perfectly aligned (that is, when the plane is perfectly at right angles to your location), jump.
  • To get maximum distance quickly, press W while looking toward the horizon (this has changed since it was better to look straight up). That means you lunge forward, quickly, rather than downward or slowly.
  • You get a speed boost on your parachute drop if you are at maximum speed (234 mph) when the parachute opens. Do this by looking straight down and holding W. Remember to hold Shift when the parachute opens as well, with the new system.
  • When the parachute opens, you can also “spin” to go further without using the slide and quick fall controls. Do this by pressing W until you’ve swung all the way back, then releasing to have your character swing forward, then press W again when they’re the maximum distance forward in the swing, and repeat.
  • One tactic is to choose a location on the map with a high chance of vehicles spawning, that is far from any conflict. Get in the vehicle and then you can drive to a location with a lot of loot on the other side of the map (away from any enemies) and take 5-7 minutes to loot it, considering that the first blue ring takes 5 minutes to appear. spawn, and then a couple more to get it to the safe area of ​​the white rings.
  • Correctly use the bar on the minimap to judge how much time you have to loot: the timer is the time you have until the blue starts moving; the blue bar fills up the closer the blue circle gets to the white; the white man running shows how far you are from the circle; A faded man on the far right shows that you are already in the white circle of the safe zone.

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