Pokémon Go Battles: How to battle trainers and PvP rewards explained

Pokémon Go Battles are a highly requested feature: they allow you to engage in PvP (or Player vs. Player, a term popularized in other multiplayer games) against other people.

This, along with trading from early 2018, means that Pokémon Go is finally starting to achieve its original goals with one of the main portable games: allowing players to compete directly and trade their various catches.

In this page:

How to fight and train in Pokémon Go

Pokémon Go battles are restricted to Pokémon Go players level 10 or higher.

If you’re just starting out, it won’t take you long to get there, which means you should have a variety of creatures at your disposal to start fighting.

Once you’ve reached level 10, there are two ways to battle others in Pokémon Go.

How to fight other players in Pokémon Go

There are two ways to fight others:

  • Locally: Open the “Nearby” menu, located in the lower right corner of the map screen. This will give you a variety of battle options. Grab the “Challenge a Trainer” button and scan the QR code on another player’s screen (also found in the same menu). You don’t need to be a friend to fight locally.

  • Distance: First, you must be Ultra or Best Friends to fight another player at a distance. When you’re ready, go to your friends list and find the player you want to fight. Press the Battle button and you will receive a notification. If they accept, the battle begins.

How to train against the computer in Pokémon Go

To participate in Pokémon Go battles against the computer, also known as “training,” open the “Nearby” menu, located in the lower right corner of the map screen. This will give you a variety of battle options.

On the top row is the list of computer-controlled opponents, specifically the three leaders of Team Valor, Mystic and Instinct, allowing you to get in some practice and earn rewards.

Here’s a look at a battle against Blanche:

How Pokémon Go battles work

These are the essential elements of PvP battles:

  • PvP groups will be made up of three Pokémon, compared to the six seen in raids and gym battles.
  • You will be able to swap between these three Pokémon in the middle of the battle.
  • Although battles are still not turn-based like in the main games, they work slightly differently than gyms and raids. They’re still real-time, where you tap to deal damage with quick movements, while charge moves have you slide across the screen to catch ‘orbs’ as they appear – a bit trickier than tapping in gyms and raid battles.
  • Additionally, Protect Shields allow you to defend yourself against attacks. You can only use two of these during the entire battle, so choose your timing wisely: do you wait until you face a more powerful enemy before using them, or do you deploy them while you know what you’re up against?

  • There are three leagues: Great League, Ultra League, and Master League, each with a CP limit for the Pokémon that can be used in them. Leagues mean that not only will your best Pokémon with the highest CP be used, but lower leagues allow lower CP creatures to shine (often with unique moves), putting your entire collection to the test. They are:
    • Great League: 1500 CP limit
    • Ultraleague: 2500 CP limit
    • Master League: no CP limit

Pokémon Go Battle rewards explained

Participating in Trainer Battles results in the following rewards, win or lose:

Please note that the above will only be rewarded once a day when training with the computer, or up to three times a day when facing other players. (Thanks to drelin530 on reddit for confirming the Sinnoh Stone drop rate.)

These rewards were supposed to be equal for both participating players, but signs suggest that is not the case.

In addition to the above, Trainer Battles will progress the long-dormant ‘Ace Trainer’ medal.

The Season of Adventure Abundance is here! The Halloween event has returned, bringing with it Greavard and Houndstone. Party Play, Pokémon Go’s multiplayer feature, is here, along with the Welcome Party quest. You can also work on the Timed Investigation: Master Ball mission and compete in Go Battle League. Be sure to compete in Shadow Raids, complete routes, use Daily Adventure Incense for a chance to encounter Galarian Articuno, Galarian Zapdos, and Galarian Moltres. This incense can also give you encounters with other rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go.

What else do you need to know about Pokémon Go Trainer Battles and PvP?

In addition to the essential elements above, here are some additional details of interest:

  • There is no support for an in-game ‘leaderboard’, leaving players to design and maintain their own outside of the game, which in theory will also allow for greater flexibility and customization.
  • The second charge move will be implemented in all game modes, including gyms and raid battles, and will be taken from the creature’s existing move pool.
  • Individual charge moves will recharge at different rates, providing an additional strategy to simply tapping them and firing them as soon as the move becomes available.
  • Adding the second charge move to a Pokémon costs Candy and Stardust; This aligns with the same values ​​as distances between friends.
  • Player challenges will generate in-game notifications.
  • Niantic is interested in expanding Trainer Battles with more mechanics in the future, although nothing specific has been confirmed – think status effects, hidden powers, and mega evolutions from the main games as time goes on.
  • Additionally, Niantic has discussed the possibility of taking on other computer-controlled adversaries in the future. One of them is against Team Rocket Invasions, which debuted in the summer of 2019.
  • Child accounts cannot fight other players, but they can participate in battles against the computer.
  • Battles are timed, and if at the end of the battle there are still Pokémon left, the winner is determined by the number of Pokémon available and, if there is a tie, by the amount of HP remaining.
  • Six-on-six battles were originally tested, but Niantic found that the battles took too long for the faster combat Pokémon Go is known for.

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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