Personality Test: Your Standing Position Reveals Your Hidden Personality Traits

Standing personality test: Did you know that the position of your legs reveals your personality? In our previous personality tests, we looked at personality traits based on phone-holding style, sleeping position, fist-clenching, sitting position, foot shape, nail shape, shape of the ear and several others.

In this article, we will explore your personality traits based on different leg positions. What does your standing position say about you? Are you standing with your legs parallel to each other? Are you standing with your legs slightly apart? Do you keep one foot forward? Are you standing with your legs crossed?

Read this standing personality test to find out what your standing position reveals about your personality.

Personality test: What does your standing say about you?

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Personality test in standing position

#1 Standing position with legs parallel to each other

standing position with legs parallel

If you are standing with your legs parallel to each other, your personality traits reveal that you are submissive, respectful, and agreeable. You may be less likely to assert yourself or take charge and may prefer to follow the lead of others. However, this does not mean that you are weak or lack confidence. You may simply have a different way of expressing your power and authority.

You often seem submissive or deferential to others. You may be less likely to speak up or disagree with others. You are more likely to go along with the crowd. You often show respect for authority figures. You may be more likely to follow rules and obey orders. You may be less likely to challenge authority.

You are more likely to compromise and find common ground. You may be less likely to get into arguments. Although you also have tact and diplomacy. You choose your words carefully and avoid saying anything that might offend or upset others. You prefer to be objective and impartial. You are more likely to consider all sides of an issue before making a decision. You are less likely to let your personal feelings cloud your judgment.

Key Personality Traits: Submissive, agreeable, respectful, neutral, calm, organized, polite, conscientious, modest, and trustworthy.

Negative personality traits: submissive, restrained, shy, not very assertive, conformist.

Positive personality traits: balanced, calm, orderly, polite, thoughtful.

#2 Standing position with legs slightly apart

standing with legs apart body languageIf you stand with your legs slightly apart, your personality traits reveal that you carry yourself with confidence. You can be assertive in the way you express your thoughts. You may be more likely to take charge and make decisions. You are less likely to be bullied by others. You can also often appear dominant and in control.

You may be more likely to stand your ground and defend your position. You may be less likely to back down from a challenge. You tend to maintain an open and approachable personality. You may like to make eye contact and smile. You may rarely appear closed off or guarded. You can also appear powerful, imposing, and persuasive with your subtlety.

It is more likely to take up a lot of space. You don’t like to appear vulnerable or weak. You naturally exude a comfortable and relaxed personality. You will most likely stand with your shoulders straight and your head held high. It is difficult for you to feel restless or anxious.

Key Personality Traits: Confident, authoritative, secure, open, robust, poised, powerful, assertive, proactive, and commanding.

Negative Personality Traits: Nervous, Insecure, Awkward, Insecure, Insecure

Positive Personality Traits: Open, Approachable, Confident, Comfortable, Secure

#3 Standing position with one leg forward

body language standing with one foot forwardIf you stand with one leg forward, your personality traits reveal that you are adventurous and always seeking new experiences. You are not afraid to try new things, even if they are out of your comfort zone. You are often drawn to travel, extreme sports, and other activities that offer a sense of excitement and challenge. You are curious. You are always asking questions and looking for new information.

You are curious about the world around them and want to learn as much as you can. You may be drawn to careers in research, education, or other fields that require a thirst for knowledge. You are creative. You can see the world in new and different ways. You are often good at coming up with new ideas and solutions to problems. Perhaps you are interested in art, music, writing, or other creative pursuits.

You are an empath, which helps you understand and relate to the feelings of others. You are often good at listening and providing support to others. You may be drawn to careers in social work, counseling, or professions that allow you to help others. You are optimistic. You have a positive outlook on life. You believe that things will work out in the end, even if situations are difficult right now. You are often good at seeing the positive side of every situation.

Key Personality Traits: Approachable, attractive, caring, open-minded, confident, assertive, energetic, optimistic, proactive, and adventurous.

Negative personality traits: impatient, aggressive, assertive, dominant, impulsive

Positive Personality Traits: Confident, Outgoing, Initiative Taker, Leadership, Proactive

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#4 Cross-legged standing position

standing cross-legged body languageIf you stand cross-legged, your personality traits reveal that you are often reserved or introverted. You may be less likely to speak in groups or initiate conversations. You are also more likely to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself. However, that doesn’t mean you can depend on others to fight your battles.

On the contrary, you are also independent and self-sufficient. You may be less likely to need approval from others or to follow the crowd. You are also more likely to go your own way and do things your way. You may often appear to feel comfortable and relaxed. If you can be interested in a conversation and at the same time assess the situation or person, you can stand with your shoulders relaxed and your arms at your sides with a hint of a smile.

You can also protect yourself and your personal space. You are less likely to allow others to get too close to you physically or emotionally. You are also more likely to be on your guard or feel threatened by new or unfamiliar situations. You are attentive and focused. You are more likely to listen to what others are saying and ask questions.

Key Personality Traits: Reserved, introverted, confident, calm, collected, thoughtful, independent, loves his privacy, easily influences others, and is defensive.

Negative personality traits: closed off, unapproachable, distrustful, insecure, defensive.

Positive Personality Traits: Comfortable, Confident, In Control, Calm, Caring

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