Personality Test: Feather pen you like the most in picture reveals your Hidden Power!

Personality Test: If you like fun games to learn more about yourself, this personality test is for you! There are over 8 billion people around the world and each of us has a unique personality. Although we may often feel that we have similarities with other people, there are still no two people on this planet who are the same. To learn more about who you are and your strengths, you can take different types of personality tests. In this personality test you will be able to understand what personality you have and what its strengths are depending on the pen you choose from among 5 pens.

Personality Test: The feather you like the most in the image reveals your hidden power!

Quills are also known as quills and are made from bird feathers. This pen was invented around the 6th century in Seville, Spain. Swan feathers were used in the high quality feathers, while goose feathers were used in the medium quality ones. Quills were used to write with ink.


Image source: Cool Side

In this personality test what you have to do is choose one of the pens you see in the image above and we will tell you what your personality is like. So if you’ve ever wanted to know your best traits, this personality test is for you!

Also check;

Ballpoint pen number 1: calm and helpful


Image source: Cool Side

If you like pen number 1 in the image the most, then this means that you are a calm person who appreciates harmony within you and around you. This also means that you will always be willing to help whoever requests it. This is one of your strengths, however, some people consider it your weakness. Your supportive quality helps you have many true friends who value you as a person and appreciate the time they spend with you. You can also check your positive traits with this incredible personality test!

Pen number 2 Personality type: perfectionist


Image source: Cool Side

If you like the number 2 pen in the picture more, then this means that perfectionism is your thing. This also means that you like your mind, your things, and your responsibilities to be in order and you also expect the same from others. Because of this quality, seeing imperfections in yourself and even in your closest friends can sometimes cause discord and disturbance in your mind. That is why it is recommended that you be alone from time to time. Some other notable characteristics of your character are perseverance, quick learning, and skill. You can also check your leadership personality traits with this unique personality test!

Feather pen number 3 Personality type: Strong-willed and independent


Image source: Cool Side

If you chose pen number 3, this indicates that you are an independent and strong-willed person. You like to pursue your dreams without looking at others and achieve them fairly quickly. You also don’t accept your failures easily. This also means that even if you have a failure in your life, you will recover quickly and continue pursuing success. This quality of yours can make you a cold and isolated person to some people. But the reality is that you open up only to those who are close to you and only these people know what you are like inside. You can check your dominant personality traits with this personality test!

Feather Pen Number 4 Personality Type – Great Leader


Image source: Cool Side

Pen number 4 indicates that you have an exceptional ability to reason things out. This quality makes you an attentive, wise person and not very easy to deceive. This also means that you have the personality to become a great leader. However, because of these traits, you tend to demand a lot from your environment. To avoid any conflict within yourself, always remember to keep in mind that all people are different with their unique personalities and vision of this world. Understanding that no one is perfect can help you enjoy your life to the fullest. You can also check your personality type with the animal you see first in this optical illusion!

Feather Pen Number 5 Personality Type – Creative and Artistic


Image source: Cool Side

If you like the number 5 pen in the image more, then this means that creativity and art are your thing. This also means that you have a very sensitive soul and a very rich imagination. However, in some situations, you are also full of doubts that can prevent you from showing your ideas to others and achieving success. To overcome this fear of failure, you must share your incredible artistic talent with this world.

So tell us, which of these pens did you choose? Did you find your personality type and your hidden powers through this personality test?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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