Why We Celebrate Remna Ni: The Story of the Mizoram Peace Accord

Remna Ni is a regional holiday celebrated on June 30 every year in honor of the signing of the Mizoram Peace Accord.

On June 30, 2023, Mizoram will celebrate the 37th anniversary of the signing of the Mizoram Peace Accord. The agreement was a historic agreement between the Government of India and the Mizo National Front (MNF), which ended two decades of insurgency in the state.

Many warm greetings to the people of Mizoram at Remna Ni.

The day celebrates the signing of the Mizoram Peace Accord, under the leadership of Sh. Rajiv Gandhi. The historic agreement ushered in an era of peace and stability in the region after two decades of insurgency. pic.twitter.com/MMnLLXUxrk

— Congress (@INCIndia)
June 30, 2023

What is the Mizoram Peace Agreement?

The Mizoram Peace Accord is a historic agreement between the Government of India and the Mizo National Front (MNF) that ended two decades of insurgency in the Indian state of Mizoram.

In 1959, Mizoram experienced a devastating famine known as ‘mautam’. This is an ecological phenomenon that occurs every 48 years and is caused by the flowering of the bamboo species Melocanna baccifera.

When bamboo blooms, it produces a large number of seeds that attract black rats. The rats then feast on the seeds, causing their population to increase. When the bamboo seeds run out, rats begin to eat the stored grain, causing widespread famine.

Mizo elders who had an experience of the ‘mautam’ of 1911 tried to warn the Assam government, but their warnings were ignored and considered superstitions. Famine persisted and many people died of hunger.

The state and federal governments were unable or unwilling to provide aid, so a Mizo activist, Pu Laldenga, founded the Mizo National Famine Front to help affected communities.

The Mizo National Famine Front soon transformed into a political party, the Mizo National Front (MNF). In 1966, the Multinational Force declared independence from India and began an armed uprising.

The Indian government quickly suppressed the revolt, but the MNF continued to fight for independence for another 20 years.

The ‘mautam’ famine and the MNF insurgency were caused by the same underlying problem: the lack of political representation of the Mizos. The Mizos had long felt that the Indian government was neglecting them, and the ‘mautam’ famine only inflamed these feelings.

The MNF insurgency was an attempt to achieve greater autonomy for the Mizos, and was finally successful in 1986, when the Indian government signed a peace agreement with the MNF.

The agreement was signed on June 30, 1986 in New Delhi by the Home Minister of the Government of India, Lalkhama, the Chief Secretary of the Government of Mizoram and the leader of the Multinational Force, Laldenga.

The agreement stipulated that the Multinational Force would hand over its weapons and ammunition and cut its ties with national organizations.

The signing of the Mizoram Peace Accord was an important turning point in the history of the state. It put an end to the violence and bloodshed that had plagued Mizoram for two decades and paved the way for the eventual development and progress of the state.

The Mizoram Agreement says: “With a view to restoring peace and normalcy in Mizoram, the MNF Party, for its part, undertakes, within the agreed period, to remove all underground MNF personnel with their weapons, ammunition and equipment, to ensure their I return to Mizoram. civil life, abjure violence and, in general, help in the process of restoring normality.”

“The exit modalities of all underground personnel and the weapons, ammunition and equipment depot will be carried out as planned. The execution of the above will be carried out under the supervision of the Central Government”. he added.

The Mizoram Peace Agreement is credited with bringing peace and stability to Mizoram. Since then, the state has enjoyed a period of sustained economic growth and development. The agreement has also served as a model for other peace processes in India and around the world.

Why is Remna Ni celebrated?

Remna Ni is celebrated every year on June 30 to commemorate the signing of the Mizoram Peace Agreement in 1986. The agreement ended two decades of insurgency in the state and is considered an important milestone in the history of Mizoram.

The day is marked by a series of events and activities, including government functions, cultural performances and religious ceremonies. It is a time for the Mizo people to come together and celebrate the peace and harmony they now enjoy.

The Mizoram Peace Agreement is a symbol of hope and reconciliation for the people of Mizoram. It is a reminder that even after years of conflict, peace is possible. Remna Ni is a day to celebrate that peace and renew commitment to building a better future for Mizoram.

To conclude, Remna Ni is a time to reflect on the sacrifices that were made to achieve peace. The agreement was not easy to negotiate and required the cooperation of both the government and the MNF. It is important to remember the work of those who made the agreement possible and continue to work for peace and understanding in Mizoram and beyond.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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