Optical Illusion for Testing Your IQ: Animal you see first in 5 secs reveals if you are left or right brained

Optical illusion to test your IQ: An optical illusion is a hallucinatory illustration of an object, drawing or image that has different appearances and can be perceived differently. There are many types of optical illusions, such as physical, physiological and cognitive illusions. These optical illusions are sometimes also useful to test our personality based on whether we are left or right brained. Many images of optical illusions can reveal hidden aspects of our personality. One such excellent illustration can be seen in an optical illusion image shared by Bright Side.

Optical illusion to test your IQ: the animal you see first in 5 seconds reveals whether you are left or right brained


Image source: Cool Side

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The image above is an optical illusion that was created to test whether you are left or right brained. According to psychobiologist and Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry, the two hemispheres of our brain, the left and the right, function differently. The way you see things can indicate which side of your brain is more dominant. This test can also reveal your thought process and personality traits.

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Furthermore, the two hemispheres of the brain do not function in isolation. They work together and complement each other. Therefore, you may have dominant personality traits on one side of your brain, but you will also possess some traits on the other side of the brain.

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Tiger head: left brain


Image source: Cool Side

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If the face you see in this optical illusion is the head of a tiger, then the left hemisphere of your brain is more active than the right. You are an analytical, goal-oriented and organized person. When faced with a difficult situation, you tend to be logical, calculating and objective.

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This also means that sometimes, because you know that the decision you made was after a lot of thought, you tend to be inflexible. Therefore, it would be advisable for you to listen to the opinion of others and consider it as well.

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Personality Traits of Left Brained People


You do things in a properly planned way, like on a to-do list.


You have clear, marked objectives and you are clear about the path to follow to achieve them.


Emotions and feelings do not get in the way of achieving your goals.


You have an aptitude for math, science, and sequencing ideas.


Your world is very real. There is no place in it for fairy tales and fiction. Similarly, no matter how lofty your goals may seem to others, you know they are realistic and achievable.

Hanging Monkey – Right Brain


Image source: Cool Side

The face you see first in this optical illusion reveals your inner mind

If you first see a hanging monkey in the optical illusion image, it means that the right hemisphere of your brain is more active. You are a creative person and full of innovative ideas. When faced with a difficult situation, you tend to rely more on your intuition than critical thinking.

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This also means that you are aware that every step you take in your life is a lesson for you and that sometimes losing is just a step forward towards achieving your goals. In short, the journey is more important to you than the goal. Since you are a dreamer, you often get lost in the land of your dreams. Therefore, it is important that you check reality from time to time and pay a little more attention to the world around you.

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Personality Traits of Right-Brained People


You do things spontaneously. You have the ability to take an innovative approach.


You worry a lot about many things. You spend time reflecting and acting on feelings.

Creative and Artistic

You are an expert in music, arts and other creative disciplines.


You don’t make a to-do list and you don’t follow the rule book. You solve problems intuitively.


You have dreams for life instead of goals and you strive to achieve those dreams, and often achieve them.

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Optical illusions always provide a fascinating insight into how our brain works. Specific combinations of color, light, and patterns can trick our brain into visually perceiving something that isn’t there. So tell us, which animal did you see first in this optical illusion?

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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