Mini Crossword with Answers: July 25, 2023

Jagran Josh Mini Crossword is a challenging brain test that covers topics including General Awareness, Static GK, India and World History, Government, Geography, Economics, Science and Technology, Sports and English Vocabulary.

Some of the benefits of solving mini crossword puzzles include improving your vocabulary, improving your mood, honing your problem-solving skills, and improving your memory.

Here are some tips for solving the mini crossword puzzle. Look up the answers for easier clues. This will help you discover the answers to difficult clues. You can always use a dictionary or thesaurus to look up the answers.

Solve daily crossword puzzles online on Jagran Josh to learn new English words, general knowledge and trivia!

Mini Crossword: July 25, 2023

Solve this mini crossword puzzle with the clues provided below:

mini crosswords

At the other side of:

3. National ____________ Day is celebrated on May 11 every year in India. (10 letters)


1. Playful or very active. (6 letters)

2. The longest lake in India. (8 letters)

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Mini Crossword with Answers: July 25, 2023

Check out the mini crossword answers below:

mini crosswords answers

At the other side of:

3. Technology


1. playful


Did you enjoy this crossword puzzle?

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