Math Riddles with Answers: Math is often misunderstood to be dull! These fun math riddles might prove everyone wrong!

Visit your school once again. You’ll find the hallways where you ran with your friends only to find the principal scowling at you at the end. You will find exciting swings in the school garden that may remind you of the times when you fought for your chance on the swing. You will find the arts and crafts room where young artists from your school demonstrate their creative talents and create masterpieces. You will find little children with school bags on their backs and the view will remind you of your friends from school. If you’re one of the lucky ones, the professors who used to teach you may still be there lecturing. It is also possible that there will be a lot of interesting delicacies in the canteen. As you enter the science lab, the bittersweet smell of chemicals will greet you at the door. The biological laboratory is also an interesting place to visit again. You will find remains of dead plants and animals, along with other interesting biological matter to study. Step into your old classroom and the mere sight of the benches and chairs will take you on a nostalgic journey back to your childhood days. But hey, not all school memories will seem sweet. Enter the math lab and you will experience a strange scare.

The scare would be the memory of your math teacher scolding you for doing your homework wrong, not getting good grades on your math test, or not understanding even a little bit of the long equation written on the blackboard. The tingling in your stomach is real!

Why is math so scary?

Well, that’s the basic nature of the issue. Unlike literature, mathematics does not come with interesting stories that strike a chord. It’s not about emotions we can identify with. Unlike science, the subject does not address the exploration or better understanding of the physical world. Unlike art, the subject does not require one to bring out inner creativity on paper.

When mathematics lacks all of this, does it make the subject more difficult to understand? Okay, yes. Numbers can get complex sometimes. And when these numbers are accompanied by algebraic alphabets, signs, complex symbols, endless equations and theorems, it becomes really difficult to understand.

But hey, does that also mean that mathematics is a boring subject? Certainly not! Mathematics is about solving real-life problems and answering questions that no other discipline can answer. In addition, he intervenes well with almost all topics. That’s what makes mathematics a special subject.

Do you still doubt the ability of mathematics to be interesting? Well, these exciting math riddles will prove you wrong!

Mathematical riddle 1:

If 1= 3


3= 5

4 = 4

5= 4

7= 5

So what is 6?

Mathematical riddle 2:

Susana is 54 years old. Her mother is 80 years old. How many years ago was Suzan’s mother her age?

Mathematical riddle 3:

Two children were born to the same mother, on the same day, the same month, almost at the same time and in the same year, but the children are not yet twins. As?

Mathematical riddle 4:

How many feet are in a mile?

Mathematical riddle 5:

The day before yesterday, Sally was 25 years old. Next year she will be 28. This is true only one day a year. What day is Sally’s birthday?

Super excited with the answers? Well, us too! Let’s dive into the answers right away!


Math Riddle 1: If 1 = 3


3= 5

4 = 4

5= 4

7= 5

So what is 6?


6 = 3.

This is because the number has 3 digits.

Math Riddle 2: Suzan is 54 years old. Her mother is 80 years old. How many years ago was Suzan’s mother her age?


41 years ago. Suzan was 13 years old. Her mother was 39.

Mathematical riddle 3:

Two children were born to the same mother, on the same day, the same month, almost at the same time and in the same year, but the children are not yet twins. As?


Triplets were born!

Mathematical riddle 4:

how many feet are in a mile



Mathematical riddle 5:

The day before yesterday, Sally was 25 years old. Next year she will be 28. This is true only one day a year. What day is Sally’s birthday?

Answer: December 31.

Weren’t these math puzzles interesting? Well, these math riddles actually reflect what mathematics as a subject really is. Mathematics teaches us not to see problems as challenges, but to pick up a pen and solve them. If there is one message that all mathematical problem books teach us, it is the solution-oriented approach. The human mind is designed in such a way that it solves problems. This same problem-solving approach is what differentiates humans from other beings, and mathematics, as a subject, sharpens this same skill. Mathematics also teaches us to make mistakes. Every mathematical problem requires exploration, and wherever there is exploration, errors are likely to occur. Furthermore, it is not important that a mathematical problem can be solved in only one possible way. Sure, there may be only one correct answer, but there may be more than one method to solve the same problem. This shows that in life too there is no “one right method” to live life. People may have contrasting approaches to how to lead life, but they can all be right in their own way. Lastly, just like in mathematics, not only is importance given to the correct answer but also how the problem solver arrives at the correct answer, life also requires one to not only focus on the destination but also work on the trip. That’s the magic of mathematics!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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