List of Top Ten Most Dangerous Ants in the World

Ants can often be seen crawling on the tables and marble floor minding their own business, collecting themselves for the winters. Although these little workers are perceived as harmless, there are some that can be extremely lethal. If you see one of those in your house, be prepared to recognize it!

These distinguished insects have a surprising sense of organization. Ants are considered eusocial insects.

These tiny megabugs evolved about 140 million years ago and can now live and survive in almost any type of habitat around the world. They are basically superheroes in the insect world!

Ants are absolutely amazing as they can survive in almost all habitats, causing ant colonies to grow abundantly until they become a pest that is difficult for humans to control.

Know how many types of ants there are among the most common insects in the world.

Did you know?

It is estimated that there are around 20,000 species of ants.

Although each ant species has its own characteristics, there are several elements they have in common.

These items include:

Diet: Some species of ants feed on natural juices from fruits and flowers. Some ants consume plants. There are also carnivorous species that feed on dead insects, such as flies and cockroaches.

Habitat and coexistence: Ants can live anywhere in the world, except Antarctica and some remote islands. They usually build anthills inside of earth and wood, although they can also be organized on the walls of buildings.

Lifespan: The lifespan of an ant depends on the species, but most ants only live a few months. They can live a year, but this is not very common.

Made from ants!

All ant species live in colonies that number up to 10,000 members. In most anthills there is only one queen ant.

Ants generally defend themselves by stinging and these stings can be insignificant to people, but lethal to certain animals, especially sometimes other insects. Incredibly dangerous ones can lead to serious complications and even death.

The most dangerous ants in the world and the types of ants that sting include:

1. bullet ant


Source: Wikipedia

The black aunt known for having the most painful sting in the world is known as the bullet ant or Paraponera clavata and can be found in South America, mainly in countries such as Nicaragua, Paraguay, Venezuela, Brazil and Honduras.

The sting of this ant is thirty times more painful than that of a wasp and can cause chills, sweating and even numbness in the affected limb.

2. bulldog ant


Source: Wikipedia

Located in Australia and New Caledonia, the bulldog ant, giant killer bulldog ant or Myrmecia, is characterized by its enormous yellow jaw and reddish and brown tones.

The bulldog ant carries a powerful venom that can cause some decent damage, such as painful skin burns that can leave permanent scarring or an incredibly serious allergic reaction.

Aunt Bulldog is also listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most dangerous ant in the world.

3. Red Fire Ant


Source: Wikipedia

Deep black in color with fiery tones, the red imported fire ant is known as fire ant or Solenopsis richteri. Originally from South America, this chick is distinguished by her especially aggressive behavior. Although, unless provoked, it is not common for this ant to bite or attack humans.

4. African ant


Source: Wikipedia

Pachycondyla analis or Megaponera foetens, popularly known as The African Ant, is one of the most dangerous ant species in the world and can be found in Senegal, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Togo. These ants measure between 5 and 18 mm and have a stinger and strong triangular jaws that can pierce human skin. Not only are the jaws lethal, but the neurotoxic venom they contain is especially powerful. They can very easily paralyze their victims.

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Types of ants that are not poisonous

5. Carpenter ant


Source: Wikipedia

Inhabited in America, Europe and Africa, the carpenter ant, or Camponotus, is a species of ant with two types of carpenter ant nests, divided between parental colonies and satellite colonies. Carpenter ants are common in places like Illinois, Florida, and Texas.

6. Argentine ant


Source: Wikipedia

Scientifically known as Linepithema humile. The Argentine ant is endemic to Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay and measures around 2 to 3 mm. These are especially aggressive and will fight for control of the territory.

7. Leaf Cutter Ant


Source: Wikipedia

With more than 40 species, leafcutter ants belong to the genera Atta and Acromyrmex and are characterized by their complex forms of social organization. These ants are divided into different classes known as castes: composed of a queen, soldiers, foragers and planters.

8. Odorous house ant


Source: Wikipedia

Native to the United States, the odorous house ant or Tapinoma sessile is also known as the sugar ant or coconut ant. As the name suggests, when crushed, these ants release an unpleasant odor. These ants live under houseplants, rocks, logs, debris, or other objects, including cracks in walls and floors.

9. Redwood Ant


Source: Wikipedia

Common in Europe, the red forest ant or Formica rufa creates large, visible colonies in dense forests, inhabited by around 200,000 individuals.

10. Harvester Ant


Source: Wikipedia

It is found in Spain, Italy, France and Morocco. The harvester ant or Messor barbarus creates nests in the ground and is strictly granivorous. They constantly clean themselves and their nests.

List of the ten most dangerous ants in the world

Snow. Name

bullet ant


bulldog ant


red fire ant


african ant


carpenter ant


Argentine ant


leafcutter ant


odorous house ant


sequoia ant


harvester ant

Bottom line

Not all ants are poisonous or extremely lethal, but these amazing, tiny creatures of nature balance the world and learn from its systems and examples. So these were the most dangerous but hardworking ants in the world.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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