International Day of Education 2023: Know Theme, History, Significance, Objectives, Celebration, Quotes, here

International Education Day 2023: Education is said to be a human right, a public good and a public responsibility. On January 24, International Education Day is celebrated to raise awareness about the importance and role of education for peace and development. If a country wants to achieve gender equality and break the cycle of poverty, it is possible with inclusive, equitable, quality education and opportunities for all throughout life.

this year #Education Day, @unesco is calling on world leaders to invest more in #education. Join our call and tag a friend!

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— UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Science #Culture 🇺🇳 (@UNESCO)
January 23, 2023

According to UNESCO, around 258 million children and young people are still out of school, and 617 million children and adolescents cannot read or do basic mathematics. Furthermore, less than 40% of girls in sub-Saharan Africa complete lower secondary school and around 4 million refugee children and youth are out of school. Their right to education is being violated.

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International Education Day 2023: Message from the Director-General of UNESCO

On the occasion of International Education Day, Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, “In these exceptional times, business as usual is no longer an option. If we want to transform the future, if we want to change course, we must rethink education. This means forging a new social contract for education, as called for in UNESCO’s report on the futures of education, published last November. We need to redress past injustices and guide digital transformation around inclusion and equity. And we need education to contribute fully to sustainable development, for example by integrating environmental education into all curricula and training teachers in this field.“.

International Education Day 2023: Theme

The fifth International Education Day will be celebrated on January 24, 2023 under the motto “invest in people, prioritize education.” UNESCO dedicates this year’s International Day to girls and women in Afghanistan who have been deprived of their right to education. He calls for the immediate lifting of the ban that restricts his access to education.

International Education Day 2023: History

In 2018, the United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming January 24 as International Education Day to mark the importance of education in global peace and development. The resolution was drafted by 59 member states to commemorate International Education Day. It also illustrates the process to reinforce transformative actions for equality, quality and inclusive education for all.

International Education Day 2023: Celebration

The fifth International Education Day will be celebrated on January 24, 2023 under the motto “invest in people, prioritize education.” The United Nations Transforming Education Summit in September 2022 sparked a global movement, and this year’s Day will emphasize maintaining that momentum while outlining the steps needed to put commitments into practice. and international initiatives. In light of the current global recession, rising inequalities and the climate crisis, education must be prioritized to make progress towards all Sustainable Development Goals.

International Education Day 2023: Importance

The day highlights how to strengthen education as a public endeavor and common good, how to lead digital transformation, support teachers, safeguard the planet and unlock the potential of each person to contribute to collective well-being and our shared home.

It is rightly said that education is a weapon to improve life. It is probably an important tool to change your life. Education determines the quality of life of an individual. It helps improve knowledge and skills, and develops personality and attitude. Education is important for employment. It provides the opportunity to earn a decent living. Education makes the individual make better use of technology. A person becomes more mature with the help of education.

The United Nations has been working to eradicate poverty and also focusing on creating opportunities to minimize the effects through education as it is one of the most prominent powers to do so.

International Education Day 2023: Objectives

According to UNESCO, the objectives are the following:

  • It focuses on the essential triggers of transformations to build more equitable and inclusive educational systems. It will accelerate progress towards SDG 4.
  • Expand progress towards digital inclusion, green competencies and skills and gender equality.
  • Reduce the gap of inequalities in access to and completion of education, in line with SDG4.
  • Discover student voices and highlight the changes and innovations they want to see to make their education more fit for purpose.
  • Additionally, highlight teachers’ voices from integrating technology into their practice to guiding teaching and learning new skills, etc.

Source: UNESCO

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