Is Google Assistant Getting AI-Powered?

Google plans to incorporate generative AI into its most famous Assistant and this will allow the platform to have more natural and engaging conversations with users.

Google Assistant was launched in 2016 and the company boasts about the platform’s capabilities. But AI’s recent takeover of the world has made it difficult for Google Assistant to stay in the competition.

That is why Google made the decision to “boost” its virtual assistant. The move was first discovered by AXIOS, where Peeyush and Duke sent an email about this change to their employees.

The email from Google according to AXIOS says: “As a team, we must focus on delivering high-quality, critical product experiences for our users.”

“We have also seen the deep potential of generative AI to transform people’s lives and see a huge opportunity to explore what a supercharged Assistant, powered by the latest LLM technology, could look like. (A part of the team has already started working on this, starting with mobile).” Add.

Google hasn’t given more details about the types of features it plans to bring to Assistant, but the company may incorporate its chatbot services in the new update.

Google spokesperson Jennifer Rodstrom in an interview with The Verge mentioned: “Hundreds of millions of people use Assistant every month and we are committed to providing them with high-quality experiences.”

“We’re excited to explore how LLMs can help us power Assistant and make it even better.” she added.

The company plans to roll out this feature very soon and it is working to its full potential. The company has created a 2-step action plan according to the email. Google has combined the Service and Surface teams and the company’s mobile team will operate separately.

The email says: “To do both with speed and focus, we are making some changes to the organization:

  • We are combining the Services and Surfaces teams, which will be led by Unni and Bryant.
  • The mobile team will operate separately under Minni and Zaheed.”

The email also follows a small layoff and describes it as part of the update. The email says: “As part of this update, we will also be removing a small number of roles within the team. “We have already informed these teammates and will provide dedicated support to help them through this transition.”

In conclusion, the potential of Google Assistant can be greatly expanded after upgrading it with AI. But this change also raises privacy concerns, as the potential of AI has not yet been fully explored. and can be used for malicious activities.

Categories: Optical Illusion

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