How to tame and ride animals in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

In addition to Cal Kestis’s nifty traversal abilities, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor features the ability to ride animals to get around as you explore the galaxy, and some are key to progressing through the campaign.

You’ll first encounter Nekko, bird-like creatures (i.e. Chocobo from Star Wars!) on the planet Koboh, except you’ll discover that you can’t ride them right away, at least not without taming them first.

This guide will explain how to tame and ride animals, what type of rideable animals there are in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and where you can find them.

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Animal locations in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

There are three rideable animals in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, and they appear on two of the game’s six planets.

The Relter is a winged creature and the first animal you can ride. These are found in Koboh and generally in very specific areas used for air travel, so they are used quite specifically as well.

The Nekko is a bird-like mount also found in Koboh. You’ll be able to tame your first Nekko in an area called Nekko Pools, but you’ll also find many roaming around in the wild. They are also the only animal you can take to the Rambler’s Reach stables to keep, so if there is one of a certain color that you particularly like, be sure to bring it back to the stables.

The Spamel is a tall camel-like creature with legs as long as an AT-AT, making it a very agile mount to cross the Jedha desert where it is located. You’ll unlock it as part of the story when you first arrive on the planet Jedha shortly after meeting Merrin.

Do you need help with camera puzzles? Check out our walkthroughs for the Chamber of Clarity, the Chamber of Reason, and the Chamber of Duality. We also have guides to help you learn how to enter the Forest Array and solve the Uhrma Crypt puzzle. Do you want to travel in style? Then you can learn to tame and ride animals. If you want to upgrade your weapons, we can show you how to get Quickdraw Blaster and Crossguard Stance too. Upgrades like this can come in handy when you need a strategy to defeat the Rancor.

How to tame and ride animals in Star Wars Jedi Survivor

Although you can’t immediately tame a Nekko when you first arrive on Koboh, the good news is that the taming ability is unlocked as you progress through the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor story, and it happens on the same planet.

This happens when you reach an area in Koboh called the Forest Array. As you progress through this section, you’ll eventually encounter another animal called Relter, a flying creature that you can also ride. Here you will be asked to tame the Relter by simply pressing R1/RB. It’s the same button as using your Jedi mental powers basically, but without an additional input.

After this, you will be able to summon a Nekko or Spamel by simply pressing R1/RB when one is near you. Then simply approach the animal and click the right stick to mount it and dismount it by pressing Circle/B.

Using a Relter is a slightly different process since you only have to tame the first one. After that, you will find Relters floating in designated locations in Koboh. To ride one, you just have to stand under them and then jump to grab their claws and then they will rise into the air.

Relters control more like gliders, gradually descending as you move forward on their talons. You can use the analog stick to control them and glide across large parts of the map to otherwise unreachable areas. There are also times when you will pass updrafts that will increase your altitude.

Nekko are useful for traversing slippery slopes, such as those with water flowing downwards that Cal cannot traverse on his own. You can also use them to double jump, which Cal can use to gain extra height and reach platforms that he wouldn’t otherwise be able to reach on his own.

You can also fight while riding a Nekko, swinging your lightsaber with Square/X to take down stormtroopers and other enemies. Once you unlock the blaster position later in the game, you can also use it for ranged combat by pressing Triangle/Y.

A Spamel is essential for crossing the harsh Jedha desert, and you can click the left stick to make it run, a feature that is unlocked as you progress through the story. Its size means it can also be useful in combat by running over enemies, although you can also press Square/X to make it stomp on anything nearby!

That’s everything you need to know about taming and riding animals in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. While you won’t encounter them much throughout your journey, their addition certainly adds variety on top of all the cool stuff Cal will run up walls and run through the air. There are many fun ways to get around this galaxy!

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