Here’s how Assassin’s Creed Unity: Dead Kings’ lantern item works

Ubisoft has released Assassin’s Creed Unity: Dead Kings, a meaty free add-on that features a new location and a couple of new items.

Click and hold L3.

But one of those items, the new flashlight device, is a little tricky to get used to, so we thought it would be helpful to explain how it works.


You pick up the lantern during the DLC’s first main story mission while underground in a network of ruined caves and tunnels. You’ll also learn about the game’s new oil containers, which can be selected whenever your lamp could use a refill.

Assassin’s Creed Unity: 8 biggest changes to Assassin’s Creed

Here, the lantern stays on and hangs from main character Arno’s belt when needed, and you should have no problem solving puzzles that require its use right away (light a couple of braziers and a door opens; it’s all very Zelda) .

Only after returning underground in later chapters (and perhaps a while afterward, due to the amount of open-world content Ubisoft has thrown back into the map to distract you) should you use the flashlight again.

It’s at this point that you have to manually select it to activate it, using a button that is only indicated when you first picked up the lamp (and at that point it’s not really necessary).

The button is L3 (by clicking the left stick) but also tenure lower it for a few seconds.

L3 is already used in the game (to reload your pistol or rifle), so this dual use can be confusing. But press L3 for a couple of seconds and your lamp will return.

It’s easy to miss the button’s message when it originally flashes, and because oil urns can’t be selected when the flashlight automatically recharges at the start of the next story mission, it can feel like you’ve run out of oil and I just can’t get a refill.

This can be especially confusing if you return to the story a while later, armed only with the memory that the lamp was off during the last mission, when no button prompts were needed.

Stay tuned for our full review of Assassin’s Creed Unity: Dead Kings, coming later today.

Categories: Guides

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