Gears 5 ending choice: Differences between the Gears 5 endings explained

Gears 5 ending choice: Differences between the Gears 5 endings explained

The ending of Gears 5 offers something new for the series: it gives the player a decision that they are forced to make and that shapes the way the story unfolds.

Of course, people don’t know which decision to make in Gears 5’s ending, so we’ll go over the differences between both options, as well as some speculation explaining why we think one is more likely to be canon than the other.

The following article contains major spoilers for Gears 5 and should be read only once you have beaten the campaign.

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Gears 5 Final Choice Explained: Who to Choose Between JD or Del?

At the end of Chapter 1 of Act 4, you must fight waves of Swarm forces with the Hammer of Dawn while defending a beacon placed behind the church of the unknown.

After successfully keeping them at bay, there’s the Swarm Queen, who emerges catching Kait, Del, and JD off guard. Losing her Lancer and with the beacon destroyed, Kait watches as Del and JD fail a surprise attack on the queen, resulting in both of them being strangled.

This is where choice comes into play. With only his knife at his disposal, Kait must choose between cutting the queen’s control over JD or Del. You’re on the clock, so you have to make a decision in just a few seconds.

After choosing to save one, the queen angrily declares that Kait will have to live with her decisions before snapping the neck of the one you didn’t save.

What are the differences between the two Gears 5 endings?

Depending on who you choose, the two endings of Gears 5 play out differently. Ultimately, whoever you decide to save, the other will die.

If you choose to cut off JD’s tentacle, the Swarm Queen kills Del. In the rubble of a fallen building, JD begins to openly cry and lament the fact that his friend is dead, breaking his usual tough team leader persona. have. He needs Kait to comfort him and get them out of the building before it collapses.

If, instead, you decide that Del is worth saving, JD dies with a broken neck and you find yourself in the rubble of a fallen building. This time, Del is mourning JD’s death in a similar manner to the other ending, holding up his friend’s COG tags. Again, Kait pulls Del out of the fallen building.

The biggest difference in the endings comes with the meeting with Marcus Fenix. If you save JD, he looks sadly at the ruined cityscape in front of him, Marcus approaches him and puts his hand on JD’s shoulder, finally fulfilling the role of supportive father and concluding the father-son subplot. which started in Gears 4.

If you save Del, he and Kait will give Marcus the tags of their dead son. Marcus, silently and sadly, cries for his son and when the couple approaches him he walks away from him. When Fahz and the truck arrive, he again approaches with an arrogant line before realizing what happened and going silent.

This version actually has an additional scene with Fahz and Marcus in the front seats of the vehicle, where Marcus can be seen silently looking at his son’s tags before telling Fahz to drive.

The rest of the final act is largely the same as the alternate version, with the only difference being at the end, where Marcus can be seen alone looking out over the city. This time, Del comes over and tries to comfort him with Marcus without walking away like last time. The group meets again, they call Kait and the ending remains the same.

GEARS 5 ends with alternate endings

Which Gears 5 ending is canon?

Developer The Coalition hasn’t said which Gears 5 ending is the canon option. There are good arguments for both, but overall we think it makes more sense if JD survives the end of Gears 5.

For one thing, all of Del’s subplots are neatly summarized by the end of the game. His detachment from JD and Fahz after learning of his actions in Settlement 2 is the reason he distances himself from the two, but after JD and Fahz return in Act 3 they seem to resolve their differences.

He supports Kait on her journey of self-discovery and ends the game with all outstanding issues with other characters resolved. In the end he is still a supportive friend to Marcus, but that is all he has going for him.

On the other hand, JD’s ending contributes a lot to the character development of not only himself, but Marcus as well. For the last two games, the two characters have been clashing, almost as if they were in some kind of muscle-flexing competition of grumpiness and stubbornness.

With JD alive, you see this side of both characters fall apart, setting up future games in which both characters overcome bravado. I’d rather see a version of JD who doesn’t stupidly jump into dangerous situations to try to show his dad, and a version of Marcus who doesn’t just need to be a grumpy old soldier.

The decision between which was canon falls on the shoulders of Marus Fenix. One of the endings resolves his issues with his son and gives him room to grow as a character, while the other has him retreat into the Marcus we already know.

While there’s a special place in my heart for old Marcus, it’s clear that the developers at The Coalition want to take the series in a new direction, which is why we think JD survives.

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