Forspoken Tanta Sila boss tips and strategy

Forspoken Tanta Sila boss tips and strategy

Tanta Sila is the first major boss of Forspoken and is also the first Tanta (four powerful women who once ruled the world of Athia and have now become corrupt oppressors) you will encounter.

When you first encounter her in Chapter 3, you’re not actually fighting her, but rather a Recreat Knight she sent in her place, so you’ll have to search for her yourself. But your journey through Athia will lead you to face the ancient Tanta of Strength in Chapter 5 of Forspoken.

Powerful both up close and at a distance, make sure you’re ready to take on this ferocious fire-based Tanta.

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How to prepare for Tanta Sila in Forspoken

Tanta Sila is the first major boss you’ll face in Forspoken before Frey unlocks new magic, so setup is pretty easy. Throughout Chapters 4 and 5, you will travel through the Praenost region to the castle where Sila resides, so we recommend that you continue leveling up Frey’s magic and equipment. You should also craft healing drafts and increase the maximum amount you can carry.

Defeating enemies and completing optional quests and challenges will increase your level and provide you with more mana points that you can spend on upgrading Frey’s magical skill tree. Mana can also be increased by walking over glowing mana pools found throughout the world.

Try to upgrade at least one of Frey’s attack spells to Lv. 3. Burst Shot, Scatter Shot, and Shield Shot each have their own advantages depending on your playstyle, but, if you want to guarantee at least dealing some damage before firing a charged spell, then Scatter Shot is the one. way forward. Fire a steady stream of rocks at your target while charging.

If you unlock the screen, this support magic also summons stones that will protect you against a single attack.

How to defeat Tanta Sila in Forspoken

The boss arena is the throne room of Praenost Castle, where Tanta Sila is waiting for you. It’s a fairly long room and a bit narrow considering you’ll be circling around it, so if Sulla isn’t in the center, Frey may get stuck on a pillar to the side while dodging the circle.

Sila is able to summon firearms into her hands from the air, making her formidable up close, although she will also shoot fireballs from a distance or even summon molten rocks to rain down on you.

While focused on Sila, you can simply run or move away to avoid most of Sila’s projectiles or his fire sword swings. You can safely cast your magic on her from a distance, although you’ll deal more damage if you can get behind her. There are times when she will stand still to taunt you or charge up her next attack, giving you a good window to do so.

It also doesn’t hurt to discard any other support magic you have that can deal additional damage, including tendrils or implants, which then also charge up your Surge Magic so you can hit it with Genesis. When you’ve dealt enough damage, Sila will also be exposed to a killing blow, so when this message appears, make sure you’re nearby to deal additional damage.

Once you’ve taken about a third of Sila’s health, a cutscene will trigger to signal the next phase of the fight. You’ve broken a part of her mask and pissed her off now, so she’ll start fighting dirty by summoning the protected minions into battle (the ones that have been standing like statues to the side the whole time).

She starts this phase by unleashing a huge fireball directly at you, so be sure to dodge it. Otherwise, her attacks are similar to the previous ones, although with some improvements, such as a fire ax melee attack where she also jumps into the air and falls with AOE damage, while the fire arrows also fall. from above. Of course, there are also some annoying soldiers under her.

You can take down the soldiers, although dispatching them means using stamina to get behind their shields, and it can be annoying trying to lock on, and Sila can still launch melee attacks while you’re not looking.

Instead, it’s best to simply focus on Sila and continue to chip away at her health, trying to land your most powerful attacks while you’re behind her. She also has no qualms about friendly fire, so her furious attacks can take down her minions for you. However, binding and tendril support magic will be useful for crowd control.

After another third of Sila’s health has been removed, another cutscene will trigger. The arena transforms into a highly corrupted blue area, which also means that Sulla is even more powerful in her burning rage state. Unfortunately, her health bar also recharges for this phase, but it’s also the last phase, so you’re almost there.

In addition to her previous attacks, she now rains down large fireballs, while pockets of fire also emerge from the ground, which you need to watch out for, especially if you’re trying to dodge her in circles.

Once Sila is at half health, she will cast a spell that will set the entire floor on fire, affecting your health, so move to higher ground. Arena pillars that have been knocked down during this phase can be used as platforms. She will also move around the arena, firing more projectiles, but as long as you are on a platform, you can safely continue firing your own spells at her.

When the flames disappear from the ground, he will return to his usual attacks, including launching large homing fireballs, so make sure you have enough stamina to dodge them or have some healing currents to recover from.

After a while, she will move to one end of the arena and begin the burning floor phase again, so return to higher ground, follow her as she warps, and continue unleashing your attack spells. She will repeat these phases until you finally take her down.

Forspoken has arrived and we have boss strategies to help you defeat Tanta Sila, Tanta Prav, Senseless Savant and the final boss. However, before taking on these bosses, you may want to learn how to craft, upgrade your equipment, and find all the Blessing Fountains. Meanwhile, understanding fast travel and clearing monuments will also help you on Fray’s journey through Athia.

Forgotten Reward of Tanta Sulla

With Tanta Sulla defeated, she will drop her own bracelet, which Frey picks up and absorbs. You’ve now unlocked Sila’s set of fire-based magic, which includes the ability to summon a flaming sword to cut down enemies in close combat.

With the mana you’ve earned, you can upgrade this skill tree with more magic, such as summoning magical spears for ranged attacks or summoning a legion of fiery soldiers to aid you. Don’t forget that some skills also allow you to convert back to Mana, so if you’re low on money, you can always reverse some of Frey’s Magic and use the Mana to upgrade Sila’s Magic.

With Sulla’s Magic, you are more powerful and ready to face the three remaining Tantas.

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