Flight Simulator multiplayer: How to play online, invite friends, and other multiplayer modes explained

Flight Simulator multiplayer: How to play online, invite friends, and other multiplayer modes explained

There are three multiplayer settings in Flight Simulator: live players, all players, and party only.

You can configure this before starting a World Map session. From this screen, select the Flight Conditions button in the upper right corner to be presented with several rows of icons. It’s the top one, titled Multiplayer, that you’ll want to focus on.

In case you’re wondering, there’s no shared cabin option at launch – everyone has to be on their respective planes for now!

There’s more information on how to invite a player to your party in the next section…

How to invite a player and join a party in Flight Simulator multiplayer

To join another player in Flight Simulator, you must first add them as a friend on Xbox Live. This allows you to play Flight Simulator multiplayer on the Windows Store and Steam editions and, although it’s not confirmed, hopefully on Xbox as well when that version arrives.

After doing so, they should appear in your friends list in the top right corner of the main menu.

This list will show who is currently online and who is offline (or offline).

To invite a friend, select someone from the list and then choose “Invite Group.”

Once you accept, you will be together in the same group. If you are invited to a group, you should receive a notification allowing you to join.

If successful, the leftmost icon in the top right corner of the main menu/pause screen will show all party members. This allows you to play in the same session.

Once you’re grouped up, go to the world map and look for your friend’s icon. They should stand out from the other icons; Otherwise, you can filter the world map icons to make it easier for your friends to appear.

Now select the icon, set it as exit and you should join them.

Should be the key word here: We’ve had some issues playing multiplayer, so here are some troubleshooting tips that might help…

Flight Simulator Multiplayer Troubleshooting

Although Flight Simulator multiplayer should be as simple as the steps above, we had some trouble joining another player’s session, and based on some early Reddit experiences, we weren’t alone.

Ultimately, any issues could be due to a busy release period, and server issues occur during busy periods. Either way, hopefully some of the following can help:

  • Although your friends will appear on the world map if you are friends, it appears that you must be grouped together to appear in each other’s games. This could be due to the various multiplayer options available, such as Live Players, which may exclude those who do not play in real-world conditions.
  • On that note, if you’re the party leader, try creating a group-only flight, then have your party join you from the world map, which will isolate who appears on your party-only flight to them.

  • Plus, start your multiplayer session on an airport tarmac. While it’s possible to set your start to another player’s position on the world map to join them mid-flight, which works in some of our team’s experiences, for others it’s hit or miss: we spawn too far away or not. absolutely. Waiting on the court will minimize the chances of players getting lost.

  • If you are running at low specs, try toggling the ‘Use generic blueprint models’ setting within the Graphics portion of the settings. Although it could have been a coincidence, we changed this and a friend’s plane showed up shortly after. At the very least, it could improve your performance.
  • It might also be helpful to add each other as Xbox Live friends at the system level, as well as in-game, if they don’t appear in the game’s online list.
  • Group invites may take a few minutes to send and appear, so be patient and they will arrive eventually.

Thanks to Matt Wales and Martin Robinson for their patience in testing various multiplayer scenarios!

For those researching their Flight Simulator options, we have a list of aircraft and a list of airports for each release edition, a list of Flight Simulator achievements. Then, when you start playing, we’ve got explanations about weather and layouts, multiplayer, using autopilot and simulation speed, and how to use the game’s equivalent of Hot Pause photo mode.

How Flight Simulator multiplayer works

As for live players and all players, basically everyone plays on the same server and the game will only pull data from the closest 50 players within a 200 km radius.

This is to save bandwidth so you’re not tracking thousands of players at once, which is probably the case in popular locations.

There are some additional caveats about how this works in practice:

  • If there are less than 50 players within that radius, all players will appear.
  • If there are more than 50 players within a 200k radius, only the closest 50 will appear.
  • The number of players actually visible is based on your performance settings. If you are on lower settings, fewer players will physically appear. However, the server will still track them and it will show up on your radar for you to see.

These details, as well as more about Flight Simulator server technology, are explained in the official video below:

Categories: Guides
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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