FIFA 21 Chemistry Styles list: which attributes are affected by every Chem Style

FIFA Chemistry Styles are an easy-to-overlook way to add big boosts to your individual players’ ratings in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team, allowing you to customize high chemistry stat boosts for each player however you want.

As we also discussed in our main FIFA 21 Chemistry guide, we can’t emphasize its importance enough, as stat mod add-ons can increase specific attributes up to fifteen points each, totaling a whopping 90 attribute points, instead of the standard 5 across the board.

With that in mind, we’ve put together a quick guide below that will help you choose the best FIFA Chemistry Styles for each position, but with a complete list of Chemistry Styles, so you know all the attributes affected.

In this page:

FIFA Chemistry Styles Explained – What are Chemistry Styles in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team and how do they work?

Effectively, Chemistry Styles work by increasing a set number of player attributes, such as sprint or crossover speed, which are categorized and displayed in more general groups on FUT player cards, such as “Shooting” or “Pace.”

To get the additional effect of the chemistry style attached to your player, that player will need to have an individual chemistry (displayed in the bar below the player’s image in one of the secondary FUT team views) of at least 5 10. 4 out of 10, attributes will remain the same, and below that, all attributes, regardless of chemistry style, will begin to decrease. You can read more about how to increase Individual Chemistry in our main Chemistry guide.

We attached a Finisher Chem style to our Dominic Calvert-Lewin card (above right) to help compensate for his weak finishing.

The downside is that it’s not explicitly clear which players and positions these chemistry styles are actually suited to, mainly because the stats listed as “Shooting” don’t indicate which actual attributes within it, such as finishing or long shots, increase with the added chemistry style. -in. That means it’s unclear, for example, whether you want the Sniper or Finisher style on your striker or center forward.

We will address that issue below.

For more information on FIFA 21, so far we have new pages on FIFA 21 release time and download details for all editions, Best FIFA 21 Goalkeepers, Best FIFA 21 Defenders, Best FIFA 21 Midfielders , FIFA 21’s best wingers, FIFA 21’s best forwards, a great breakdown of potential FIFA 21 wonderkids and career mode hidden gems, and a list of the best FIFA 21 career mode players. Plus, we’ve got FUT Chemistry pages explained and a newly updated FIFA 21 Chemistry Styles list and explanation of affected attributes, so you can get started with FUT. Expect much more soon!

FIFA 21 Chemistry Styles Attribute List – What Stats Are Affected?

We’ve divided the tables below into attacking, midfield, defensive and goalkeeping chemistry styles, based on the stats they affect. Remember that the total is always 90 attribute points if the player has a maximum General Chemistry – a hidden stat based on Individual and Team Chemistry (again, more information on how exactly FIFA Chemistry is calculated in our other guide) – and Please note that the numbers in the tables below represent maximum potential amount by which those attributes will improve, again depending on that player’s overall hidden chemistry.

And again, we explain exactly how much stats improve when you have less than maximum Chemistry in our FIFA 21 Chemistry guide.

It’s also worth keeping in mind that the base chemistry style, which is automatically applied to all players who don’t come preloaded with a chemistry style of their own, does not increase all stats when you reach the correct amount of chemistry. .

Rather, it increases a given group of attributes by a smaller amount than the others, with a maximum increase of 5 points in each of the following:

  • Basic chemistry style: acceleration, positioning, definition, shooting power, volleys, penalties, vision, long pass, short pass, curve, agility, ball control, dribbling, marking, standing tackle, sliding tackle, jumping and strength in small quantity. (maximum 5 points each).

Likewise, you may also receive a penalty to your players’ attributes for having a low Individual Player Chemistry rating. In fact, with Zero Chemistry, your player will receive a 25 point reduction to each attribute. This increases depending on how low your Chemistry grade is.

With that out of the way, let’s dive into which chemistry style is best for each position in your FIFA 21 Ultimate Team.

Attack Chemistry Styles Attribute List: Sniper, Finisher, Dead Eye, Marksman, Hawk

Chemistry style Enhanced attributes (max) The best for the position Improved card statistics
Sniper Att. Position (5)Shooting power (10)Long shots (+15)Volleys (10)Penalties (5)Jumping (15)Strength (5)Aggression (10) STCFRWLW BUY
Finisher Att. Position (5) Finishing (15) Shot power (10) Volleys (10) Penalties (5) Agility (10) Balance (5) Dribbling (15) STCF SHODRI
Vigota Att. Position (10) Finishing (10) Shot power (15) Long shots (5) Penalties (5) Vision (10) Short pass (15) Curve (5) CAMCFRWLWST STORES
Sniper Finishing (10)Shooting power (5)Long shots (10)Penalties (5)Reactions (5)Ball control (10)Dribbling (10)Jumping (10)Strength (10) STCF SHODRIFY
Hawk Acceleration (5) Sprint speed (5) Att. Position (5) Finishing (5) Shot power (10) Long shots (10) Penalties (5) Jumping (10) Strength (5) Aggression (10) STLWRW PACSHOPIA
Hunter Acceleration (10) Sprint speed (10) Att. Position (5) Finishing (10) Shot power (5) Volleys (15) Penalties (10) STREET PACSHO

List of Midfielder Attributes and Hybrid Chemistry Styles: Artist, Architect, Power, Master, Engine, Catalyst

Chemistry style Enhanced attributes (max) The best for the position Improved card statistics
Artist Vision (10) Crossing (10) Free kick Acc. (5) Long pass (15) Curve (5) Agility (15) Reactions (5) Dribbling (10) CAMCMLRM PASDRÍ
Architect Vision (10) Free kick Acc. (5)Short pass (15)Long pass (5)Curve (10)Jump (10)Strength (15)Aggression (5) CMCAM PASPHIA
Electric power plant Vision (15)Crosses (5)Short passes (10)Long passes (10)Curve (5)Interceptions (10)Def. Conscious (5) Standing Tackle (15) CM, MDL PASDEF
Teacher Shot power (10)Long shots (10)Volleys (5)Vision (5)Acc. of free throws (10)Short pass (5)Long pass (10) CAMCMLRM STORESDRI
Engine Acceleration (5)Sprint speed (5)Vision (5)Crossing (10)Short pass (5)Long pass (5)Long pass (5)Curve (10)Agility (5)Balance (10)Dribbling (10) CAMCMMLMRMLWRW PACPASDRI
Catalyst Acceleration (10) Sprint speed (10) Crossing (15) Free kick acceleration (10) Short pass (5) Long pass (10) Curve (5) CDMCMCAMLMRMMLWRW PACPAS

Defender Chemistry Styles Attribute List: Sentinel, Guardian, Gladiator, Spine, Anchor, Shadow

Chemistry style Enhanced attributes (max) The best for the position Improved card statistics
Sentinel Interceptions (10) Acc. Course (15)Def. Conscious (10) Standing entry (5) Sliding entry (5) Jump (15) Strength (15) Aggression (10) CDMRBLBCB DEFI
guardian Balance (10) Ball Control (5) Dribbling (15) Interceptions (10) Heading Agreement (5) Def. Aware (10) Standing Tackle (15) Sliding Tackle (10) LBRBLWBRWB DRIDEF
Gladiator Finishing (15)Shooting power (10)Volleys (5)Interceptions (10)Course acceleration. (5) Def. Aware (5) Standing Tackle (10) Sliding Tackle (15) CDMLWBRWB PASDEF
Spine Vision (10)Long pass (10)Interceptions (10)Def. Conscious (5) Standing entry (10) Sliding entry (5) Jump (10) Strength (5) Aggression (10) CDMCB DEFI
Anchor Acceleration (5) Sprint speed (5) Interceptions (5) Heading acceleration (5)Def. Conscious (5) Standing entry (10) Sliding entry (10) Jump (10) Strength (10) Aggression (5) LBRBLWBRWBCB RhythmDefensePhysical
Shade Acceleration (10) Sprint speed (10) Interceptions (10) Heading acceleration (5)Def. Aware (5) Standing Tackle (10) Sliding Tackle (15) CBLBRBLWBRWB PACDEF

Goalie Chemistry Styles Attribute List: Wall, Shield, Cat, Glove

Goalkeepers are slightly different from the other positions here, as EA Sports did not release the specific information for goalie chemistry styles. Don’t worry though, we’re used to being neglected, so here are some additional tips on how to use the cards based on the information we have:

Chemistry style Improved attributes The best for the position Reasoning
Wall Diving (15)Handling (5)Kicking (10) G.K. Solid and versatile option for when you don’t like to rush goalkeepers and like long kicks.
Armor Kicks (10) Reflexes (15) Sprint speed (5) G.K. This is more of a sweeper’s specialty, ideal for Manuel Neuer types.
Cat Reflexes (10)Acceleration (5)Positioning (15) G.K. Good for agile goalkeepers, Lloris style.
Glove Diving (10)Handling (15)Positioning (5) G.K. Glove, a purely defensive specialty, is best for traditional goalkeepers like Thibaut Courtois or Gianluigi Buffon.

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