Destiny 2 Malfeasance quest steps

Destiny 2 Malfeasance is an exotic quest that debuted with Forsaken in Year 2.

First revealed several weeks after the expansion’s debut, there was a dose of luck involved in first unlocking the Malfeasance quest, which has since become easier over the years.

From there, it takes several steps focused on Taken and Gambits to then have Malfeasance in your hands.

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In summary, the Malfeasance mission unfolds as follows:

  1. Kill a Primitive in Gambit
  2. Talk to the Wanderer in the Tower
  3. Defeat 25 yellow bar enemies taken.
  4. Complete the attack “The Corrupts”
  5. Deposit motes and win games in Gambit
  6. Defeat 25 enemy Guardians in Gambit and eliminate the team as an invader yourself or have an ally do it three times.

Thanks to Arekkz for explaining the steps above, which you can see in more detail below:

Getting Destiny 2 Embezzlement step by step and how to generate Ascendant Primeval Servitor

Since the arrival of the Witch Queen in Year 5, starting the Malfeasance quest is much easier: it now requires you to kill a Primeval in a Gambit game (in other words, win the game).

Previously, this involved playing Gambit matches until a Primeval Ascendant Server appeared, which required a dose of luck, and then also winning the match.

The Primeval Ascendant Servant previously guarded the path to begin the Embezzlement quest.

This was even more difficult in the mode’s debut, in which the Primeval Ascendant Server appeared tied to The Dreaming City’s curse cycle, but with the mechanics changing over time, all you now need to do is win a game of Gambit to start the mission.

Once you’ve started, visit the Wanderer (like any other exotic quest, there’s an attached vendor you need to visit between steps) who will then tell you to defeat 25 possessed bosses or minibosses.

These are essentially Taken enemies with yellow bars and tend to be rarer and more difficult than normal enemies. The City of Dreams will have a lot, especially if you tackle quests and public events. Of course, other areas will have enemies with yellow bars, as well as certain Strikes.

Our recommendation is to play the game normally and slowly beat them as you go, but if you’re in a hurry, prioritizing The Dreaming City activities would be your best option.

After that, you must complete a special version of ‘The Corrupted’ attack. Interestingly, while up to six players can play this (although only three players can be in your immediate Fireteam when you enter, more can join your party mid-attack to help you complete it), Bungie says it was only designed for three, and you can encounter problems while playing. Do it at your own risk!

Once this is done, it’s time to switch to Gambit. The first step is to win Gambit games and deposit motes. For the latter, there is a drawback, since the lost Mote will be deposited from your total. Not only that, but Motes lost will have twice the impact of those gained, so you’ll want to play cautiously.

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The final step allows you to defeat a total of 25 Guardians in Gambit (in other words, other players), whether they are invading your side or you invading yours. The other part allows you to completely eliminate all four players on the opposing team in a single invasion (we recommend having a Super ready when you enter) or have an ally do it a total of three times in as many games as necessary, whichever happens first.

These last two steps are complicated if you don’t master Gambit, so we recommend practicing and, if you can, playing with a Fireteam. Communication really helps, as does having some helpful Supers, who can turn the tide of a match and help complete specific objectives.

With this completed, it’s time to return to the Wanderer to collect his new Embezzlement. Remember that exotic weapon questlines are one of the few sources of powerful gear, so if you can, get over 500 and wait as late as you can to get a decent boost to your level.

Do you want to know more about the weapon? Arekkz has a video above for a closer look.

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