Can You Accept Our Challenge And Spot The Mistakes In This 90-Year Puzzle Within 15 Seconds?

IQ tests are often done to determine whether someone has a high or low intelligence quotient (IQ). The test measures a person’s cognitive abilities, that is, the ability to solve problems and reason logically.

There are several types of IQ tests, such as verbal, non-verbal, and full scale. These tests are usually exhaustive and tedious. Fortunately, there is also an exciting and fun way to test your IQ: brain teasers.

Brain teasers are probably the most fun and exciting way to measure a person’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills. And we have one ready for you here.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and have fun along the way?

Let us begin.

Spot the errors in this 90-year-old puzzle in 15 seconds

Let’s take a look at today’s puzzle challenge.


Source: Cool Side

Test your vision by spotting the man wearing the “Number 1” shirt in the crowd in 9 seconds!

This is a 90-year-old puzzle that was published on the cover of Science and Invention magazine in 1928. According to the magazine’s editorial team, there are a total of 48 errors in this puzzle. However, to this day, no one has been able to find all the differences.

Even after 90 years, this enigma remains unsolved. Luckily, we’ve found a few mistakes in this picture puzzle and we challenge you to do the same.

Can you find the errors in the puzzle in the allotted time?

As usual, we have a set time limit for this puzzle. You have 15 seconds to detect errors.

Test your brain by finding the thief in the city in 7 seconds!

Go and get ready, because the challenge is about to begin. Your time starts now!

All the best!

Remember, 15 seconds and not a second more.

The clock is ticking!

Hurry up, guys.

Time runs fast.

The solution to this puzzle is provided at the end of this article. However, we would like to ask you not to cheat. If you cheat, you won’t be able to find out how good your observation and logic skills are.

Only someone as smart as Sherlock Holmes can spot the fake doctor in 5 seconds!

3… 2… and 1

Time’s up, guys!

Were you able to detect the errors?

Some of you may have easily found the errors in the image; Congratulations. You have won this mental challenge.

And some of you may not have found the errors as easily. If you couldn’t detect the errors, don’t worry, we now reveal the solution to the puzzle.

You have eagle eyes if you can spot the carrots among the vegetables in 5 seconds.

IQ test solution

In this picture puzzle, you had to spot the errors in this 90-year-old puzzle within 15 seconds. In case you couldn’t spot the errors in the riddle, don’t worry, scroll down to see the solution to this IQ test riddle. There are a total of 20 errors highlighted in this brain teaser solution.

Note: There are a total of 48 errors in this picture puzzle. If you can find any more bugs besides those mentioned here, please feel free to contact us. We would appreciate your help in finding the 48 hidden errors in the puzzle.


Source: Cool Side

We hope you liked this brain teaser.

Riddles are excellent mood boosters that have been scientifically proven to improve cognitive abilities and logical reasoning. In short, puzzles make you smarter and smarter. So make sure you solve them daily.

Here we leave you a recommendation:

Only people with high brain power can detect the stranger within 3 seconds. Can?

Categories: Optical Illusion

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