Brain teasers: Feeling bored? Try these fun brain teasers.

Nothing is more harmful than spending a life so full of work that you forget to smile a little during the day. Sometimes fun is the missing element in our lives.

That’s why we bring you some exciting brain teasers. To restore those lost fun moments, we are back with some exciting puzzles. Keep reading. Try them today. But wait, how can puzzles add fun to your life?

Why riddles?

Our brain needs stimulation. Imagine that one day you get a very well-paying job. You’ll be on cloud nine, right? You’ll buy the best gift for yourself and others, plan to buy your dream home or car, and do what you’ve always wanted to do. However, after a while, you’ll get used to it all. The big house or a lot of money in your bank account will no longer interest you. Basically, you’ll get used to it. The moment we get used to things, boredom sets in. That’s when our brain starts to feel sad, angry and bored. In such a situation, you need to stimulate your brain with another exciting event. That’s what happens in our daily lives. No matter how exciting a life one lives, one often gets bored of routine. That’s when you need something to bother the brain every once in a while to keep it interested. This is why we bring puzzles from time to time to keep you interested and engaged. Additionally, these riddles often make one think outside the box, which helps broaden the horizons of thinking. In this way, brain puzzles can also be helpful in becoming creative and innovative. With this thought, let us introduce you to some exciting brain teasers.


A good quality face wash and hair wash can put a hole in your pockets. What wash comes free?


It’s 3 in the morning and you’re sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, you hear the fire alarm ringing loudly. There are 3 rooms in your house and the kitchen adjacent to your bedroom has caught fire. Which would you open first: the window, the fireplace, the kitchen or the roof window?


Who is taller: taller husband, wife. Taller or his little baby?


A good quality face wash and hair wash can put a hole in your pockets. What wash comes free?

Answer 1: Brainwashing!

Puzzle 2:

It’s 3 in the morning and you’re sleeping peacefully. Suddenly, you hear the fire alarm ringing loudly. There are 3 rooms in your house and the kitchen adjacent to your bedroom has caught fire. Which would you open first: the window, the fireplace, the kitchen or the roof window?

Answer 2: Your eyes!

Puzzle 3:

Who is taller: tall husband, wife. Tall or his little baby?

Answer 3: The little one. Well, he’s a little taller.

Weren’t these riddles interesting? We are sure you liked them!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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