Brain Teaser IQ Test: Only geniuses can find the different panther in the image within 4 seconds!

IQ tests are often done to determine whether someone has a high or low intelligence quotient (IQ). The test measures a person’s cognitive abilities, that is, the ability to solve problems and reason logically.

There are several types of IQ tests, such as verbal, non-verbal, and full scale. These tests are usually exhaustive and tedious. Fortunately, there is also an exciting and fun way to test your IQ: brain teasers.

Brain teasers are probably the most fun and exciting way to measure a person’s logical thinking and problem-solving skills. And we have one ready for you.

Are you ready to challenge yourself and have fun along the way?

Let us begin.

Brain Teaser IQ Test: Spot the different panther in 4 seconds

Look at the image below.


Source: Cool Side

There are three panthers hidden in this image. One of them is different from the others. The goal of this brain teaser is to spot the panther, which is different from the other two. You have only 4 seconds to solve this. So don’t waste a second and start searching.

All the best! This puzzle can only be solved if you pay close attention. So look closely at the image and look for something that is different from the others, and you will get it. In the meantime, you can solve this puzzle to test your observation skills:

Only someone with a high IQ can detect the error in the desert image within 4 seconds!

Here is a curious fact:

Our daily routines can quickly become monotonous. In the end all we do is work, eat, sleep and repeat. The cycle continues and most of the time we forget that we are human beings, not machines. According to scientists, this monotony can negatively affect our brain and has an adverse effect on our physical and mental health, eventually leading to burnout. Therefore, it is crucial to break that monotony. We need breaks at regular intervals or our health could be compromised. Riddles are a great way to break up the monotony. Studies show that solving puzzles can improve cognitive functioning and improve critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Solving puzzles can also refresh your mind and give you a much-desired break.

Time is over! When you are ready, simply scroll down and see the solution.

Puzzle solution

The strange panther is the third. Look at their eye slits, they are bigger than the other two panthers.


Source: Cool Side

You should also try:

Only a very intelligent person can detect the error in a street image from the 1920s in five seconds!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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