Brain Teaser For IQ Test: Can you find the Marshmallow hidden among the Colony of Harp Seal within 17 seconds?

Harp seals are extremely agile swimmers and capable of capturing a wide variety of fish and crustaceans. But here, in this surely something is wrong with his diet and you will have to find out what it is. This brain teaser will test skills like creativity and great observation skills instead of mathematical formulas and equations. As a result, it will strengthen the connection between brain cells, increase mental agility, and help with short-term memory problems. Enough words, now back to the action, you must find the marshmallow hidden among the colony of harp seals.


Can you find the marshmallow hidden among the harp seal colony?

Puzzles sometimes require unconventional thinking, but sometimes they also require excellent qualitative and quantitative techniques. Based on the image above, you need sharp vision and observation skills to find the marshmallow. Seriously, it’s very simple; All you have to do is exercise your brain power and focus on every detail.

And this simple puzzle will reveal a wealth of knowledge about the structure and power of the brain.

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Find the answer to the riddle here:

Basically, a brain teaser is a puzzle that requires creative and logical thinking. Your thinking and decision-making abilities will improve with each test. The mental game will also help you solve problems and develop critical intuitions.

Remember, your goal is to find the marshmallow hidden in the harp seal colony. Easy, right?

But I forgot to tell you that you only have 20 seconds. Oh, that’s too much, let’s reduce it to 17 seconds.




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Enough suspense and discreet background music, let’s get to the answer.

The image shows a group of harp seals usually referred to as Colony. To achieve your goal, simply divide the image into (imaginary) sections so as not to miss any clues or hints.

It will be very easy to find all the errors if you look for minute details, for example, each white extension. Also, use your brain, logical reasoning, observation power and other skills to conclude this mental exercise.


Already in the year 2000 BC. C., the ancient Egyptians were the first to eat a sticky treat now known as marshmallow. The gift was only given to royalty and gods because it was considered special. The mallow plant, which grows wild in the marshes, was used to make marshmallows.

Back to the puzzle… I’m sure you’re done now! It was easy!

But if you are still struggling with the answer, look at the image below to learn about the hidden marshmallow.


It was fun, right? And for more of these, stay tuned for JagranJosh to improve your cognitive and problem-solving skills and memory acuity.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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