Armed Forces Flag Day 2022: Why do we celebrate Flag Day of India on December 7?

In India, since 1949, Armed Forces Flag Day has been celebrated on December 7. The day honoring members and veterans of the Indian armed forces is known as Armed Forces Flag Day or Indian Flag Day.

Why is Armed Forces Flag Day celebrated on December 7?

The Defense Minister’s Committee established the first Flag Day Fund in 1949. The Indian Ministry of Defense combined the associated welfare funds into a single Armed Forces Flag Day fund in 1993. The nation commemorated the first Armed Forces Flag Day on December 7, 1949, in memory. of the soldiers who died defending the integrity and security of the nation. Since then, India celebrates Armed Forces Flag Day every year.

The purpose of this day, which is observed as national flag day or national armed forces day, is to distribute flags to the public and raise money from them for the advancement of the armed forces. In 1993, the Indian Ministry of Defense merged all related welfare funds into a single Armed Forces Flag Day Fund. These funds consist of:

  • Welfare Fund for Ex-Gorkha Servicemen of India,
  • Trust of the Board of St. Dunstan’s (India) and Kendriya Sainik
  • Merged Special Fund for the War Bereaved, War Disabled and Other Ex-Servicemen/Service Personnel
  • Flag Day Background

Local divisions of the Kendriya Sainik Board (KSB), a unit of the Ministry of Defence, are in charge of managing fundraising across the country. Through volunteer organizations, the collection is organized both officially and informally.

Armed Forces Flag Day 2022: history, meaning, theme and more

What is the meaning of Armed Forces Flag Day?

The Indian Army, Indian Air Force and Indian Navy organize a variety of shows, carnivals, plays and other entertainment programs on Flag Day to highlight to the public the efforts of their personnel to guarantee national security. In exchange for donations, small flags and car flags representing the three Services in the colors red, deep blue and light blue are distributed throughout the country.

On Flag Day three fundamental causes are promoted:

  • Rehabilitation of combat victims.
  • Well-being of service personnel and their families.
  • Welfare and resettlement of former military personnel and their families

The distribution of Indian tricolor flags (red, dark blue and light blue), representing the three divisions of the Indian Army, by Indian military personnel is carried out across the country. The brave and bold militant demonstrates to the common people how they overcame an obstacle during a battle and gave their lives to defend and protect the lives of the country.

Armed Forces Flag Day 2022: Greetings, Wishes, Quotes and More

Categories: Optical Illusion

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