World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023: Current Theme, History and Significance

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023: The role of information and communications technologies (ICT) has played an important role in the continued functioning of societies and in minimizing inequalities between countries and within them, over the years. The need to accelerate the digital transformation and advance the objectives and goals of the Connect 2030 Agenda is highlighted.

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is celebrated each year with a new theme to raise awareness about the importance of communication and focuses on increasing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The day also focuses on how information travels around the world.

Therefore, it is dedicated to the evolution of communication, the possibilities of using the Internet and other information to close the digital divide. Based on fundamental human rights, they build a people-centered, inclusive and development-oriented information society. The day also highlights how crucial communication is in our lives and stimulates the development of technologies in this field.

What is Telecommunications?

Communication that takes place over a distance by cable, telegraph or radio broadcasting is known as telecommunications. In other words, we can say that it is the transmission of signals, messages, words, writings, images, sounds or any type of information. Without technology, the exchange of information between communication participants is not possible.

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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023: Theme

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023 will be celebrated around the theme “Empowering least developed countries through information and communication technologies”. The day encourages businesses and individuals to support global connections and digital transformation.

The theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WDTIS) 2021 is “Accelerating digital transformation in difficult times”.

The theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WDTIS) 2020 was “Connect 2030: ICT for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”. The topic focuses on the ICT advances necessary for a transition towards smart and sustainable development. It also highlights the importance of specific ICT-based solutions and the trend that is emerging to improve economic, environmental and social sustainability.

The theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2019 was “Bridging the standardization gap.” The theme focuses on the establishment of standards that are a fundamental pillar of the mission of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as a specialized agency of the United Nations for information and communication technologies (ICT). ITU standards will help accelerate ICT for all Sustainable Development Goals. The 2019 theme provides opportunities for: – Participation of developing countries in the ITU standards development process. – At national, regional and international levels, it will empower local experts in the standardization process. – In developing countries to promote implementation. of international standards.

The theme of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2018 was “Enabling the positive use of Artificial Intelligence for Everyone” focusing on the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The advancements in artificial intelligence technology made possible huge leaps in contributing fields such as Big Data, machine learning, computing power, storage capacity and cloud computing, etc.

Do you know that today AI-based technologies are emerging as a key component of proactive tools and applications used to help people lead better lives by improving healthcare, education, finance, agriculture , transportation and a wide range of other services?

List of all Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023: History

The Day commemorates the founding of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) on May 17, 1865. World Telecommunication Day was celebrated annually for the first time on May 17, 1969, marking the founding of the ITU and the signing of the first International Telegraph Convention in 1865. It was instituted by the Plenipotentiary Conference in Málaga-Torremolinos in 1973.

In November 2005, the World Summit on the Information Society asked the United Nations General Assembly to declare May 17 as World Information Society Day. In March 2006, the General Assembly adopted a resolution according to which World Information Society Day will be celebrated annually on 17 May.

In November 2006, the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in Antalya, Turkey decided to jointly celebrate World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on 17 May. The theme was adopted annually by the Council and celebrates it by exchanging ideas and methods to improve communication.

What is the purpose of celebrating World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WMITS)?

The main objective of the celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is to help raise awareness about the generation of possibilities for using the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT), bringing them closer to societies and economies and create a way to close the digital divide. .

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2023: Importance

Every year World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is celebrated to promote awareness of the benefits that the use of the Internet and other ICTs can have for society and economies, as well as strategies to reduce the digital divide. Some of the key objectives of the event are:

  • Increase effectiveness.
  • Encourage cooperation.
  • Bring flexibility to your workplace.
  • Reduce time.
  • Stop face-to-face interactions.
  • Increase business communication expenses.

We cannot ignore the fact that modernization through the use of telephones, radio and computers has brought people closer together. For development in any field, it is important that information travels around the world. Therefore, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day is dedicated to the evolution of communication and how information travels around the world.

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Categories: Optical Illusion

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