World Press Freedom Day 2023: Know the Origin and Purpose of Press Freedom

All you need to know about World Press Freedom Day 2023.

World Press Freedom Day 2023: Every year on May 3, people around the world celebrate Press Freedom Day. This year marks the 30th anniversary of World Press Freedom Day. Since its proclamation in 1993, significant progress has been made toward achieving a free press and freedom of expression globally. With the theme “Shaping a future of rights: freedom of expression as a driver of all other human rights”, the day will also serve as a reminder that the exercise of all other human rights depends on freedom of the press, as well as of independence, plurality and diversity. media.

If everything is going well in the news, something must be wrong in journalism.

Without #Freedom of the presswe can not #StandUp4HumanRights and stand #WithRefugees!

In #World Day of Press Freedomjoin UNESCO’s call to defend press freedom & #Human rights!

— UNESCO 🏛️ #Education #Science #Culture 🇺🇳 (@UNESCO)
May 2, 2023

World Press Freedom Day 2023: Origin

In December 1993, the United Nations General Assembly declared the first World Press Freedom Day on the recommendation of the General Conference of UNESCO. May 3 has since been designated as World Press Freedom Day to commemorate the anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration.

The goals of the day are to pursue freedom and share and receive knowledge. Additionally, it serves as a reminder for governments to maintain their commitment to press freedom. While media professionals often use this day to reflect on issues related to press freedom and ethical behavior in the workplace.

World Press Freedom Day 2022: Learn about the theme, history and meaning here

World Press Freedom Day 2023: Purpose

World Press Day, also known as World Press Freedom Day, pays tribute to journalists who lost their lives while serving. On this day, the United Nations General Assembly emphasizes on raising awareness about the need for freedom of the press in society, the dissemination of information and its relevance, as well as awakening the government about its responsibility to defend and protect the right to the expression freedoom. Additionally, this international event has a variety of purposes, including:

  • Honor the fundamental principles of press freedom.
  • Assess the level of press freedom around the world.
  • Protect the media from attempts to undermine its independence.
  • And pay your respects to the journalists who have died in the line of duty.

UNESCO encourages everyone to post a message on their social media platforms saying: “Everything is fine.” He says: “Because if everything is good in the news, then something is wrong in journalism. And when journalism is compromised, we cannot protect human rights.”

On May 2 there will be a full day of events at UN Headquarters in honor of World Press Freedom Day. Event celebrations will take place at local, national and regional events around the world. From May 1 to 4, New York City will host around 40 events related to press freedom. The World Press Freedom Day community, made up of universities, press freedom networks, civil society organizations and other national and international organizations based in New York, will organize these events.

The UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom Prize will also be awarded on this day in recognition of the contributions of journalists, particularly those who risk their lives to raise awareness and educate the public.


Important days and dates in May 2023

Categories: Optical Illusion

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