World Organ Donation Day 2023: Theme, Importance and List of Organs Than Can Be Donated

World Organ Donation Day 2023: Every year, August 13 is celebrated as World Organ Donation Day. This day aims to raise awareness about the importance of organ donation. The powerful and transformative act of organ donation has the capacity to save lives, improve well-being and have a beneficial ripple effect throughout society.

World Organ Donation Day 2023: Theme

The theme of World Organ Donation Day 2023 is “Step forward to volunteer; “We need more organ donors to fill the gaps.” The theme focuses on an international call to the local population to emphasize the importance of making an organ donation pledge, thus reducing the amount raised for the need for an organ.

World Organ Donation Day 2023: Importance

World Organ Donation Day is an opportunity to debunk all myths and misconceptions about organ donation. The other meaning of World Organ Donation Day is:

  • Saving lives
  • Better life quality
  • Focusing on organ shortage
  • Promotes medical advancement
  • Attend generosity and empathy.
  • Develop social responsibility
  • Ethical consideration
  • Reduced healthcare costs
  • Global impact on people around the boundaries
  • Comfort the grieving family

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List of organs that can be donated

The act of organ donation is divided into two important types, living donors and cadaveric donors (non-living donors). A single individual can save up to 8 lives and improve 75 more with organ donation.

Cadaver donors can donate

  • kidneys
  • Liver
  • Lungs
  • Heart
  • Pancreas
  • bowels
  • hands and face

Living donors can give

  • a kidney
  • a lung
  • a part of the liver
  • a part of the pancreas
  • a part of the intestine


The procedure of selecting a corneal donor, obtaining the corneal tissue, and preparing it for transplant is known as corneal donation.


Donating a person’s tissue must begin within 24 hours of their death. Donated tissues can be prepared and preserved for a long time, unlike donated organs.

  • horny
  • the middle ear
  • Fur
  • Heart valves
  • Bone
  • veins
  • Cartilage
  • tendons
  • ligaments

Blood stem cells, umbilical cord blood and bone marrow

A bone marrow or stem cell transplant is a medical operation in which healthy stem cells are infused into the bone marrow or blood.

blood platelets

Compared to a maximum of 6 times a year for whole blood donations, a healthy person can donate platelets up to 24 times a year.

Anyone over the age of 18 can become a living donor by donating a part of themselves. Only those with cancer, HIV, or disease-causing bacteria in the bloodstream or body tissues are prohibited from donating organs.

Important days of August 2023: list of national and international dates

Categories: Optical Illusion

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