World Arthritis Day 2022: Symptoms, Theme, History, Significance and other details

World Arthritis Day 2022

World Arthritis Day 2022 Theme: World Arthritis Day is celebrated every year on October 12 to raise awareness about the prevalent impact of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, also known as RMD. World Arthritis Day activities and various other events are also organized on this day to initiate organizations and advocates to report cases of arthritis and inform about preventive measures. World Arthritis Day 2022, which falls on October 12, also encourages people to come forward and share their experiences of living with this disease.

As the world celebrates World Arthritis Day 2022, check out its theme, history, meaning and symptoms for early diagnosis.

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is a disease that affects the joints and its common symptoms are joint pain, swelling, redness of the skin, stiffness and reduced movement in the affected joints. In particular, arthritis itself is a general term that covers more than 100 types of rheumatic diseases. Arthritis usually appears with age and tends to affect the fingers, hips and knees.

World Arthritis Day 2022: What are the symptoms of arthritis?

Some of the early symptoms of arthritis are:

1. Swelling and tenderness

When joints become painful due to arthritis, they can also swell, causing even more joint inflammation. The swelling also restricts the patient’s movement.

2. redness

Due to excessive joint pain that results from arthritis, some patients may also notice redness around the joints.

3. Joint pain

Joint pain is the first sign of arthritis. The patient should visit the doctor immediately for further treatment and be aware of measures to prevent the pain from increasing.

4. Stiff bones in the morning.

Some patients may also experience bone stiffness, especially in the morning. Stiffness and pain may increase when it rains or if there is a change in humidity.

#WorldArthritisDay It is celebrated annually on October 12. #TACO aims to help raise awareness of the existence and impact of rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases, often referred to as #RMD.Join us in raising awareness. Share, like and comment on your thoughts and experiences.

— World Arthritis Day (@ArthritisDay)
October 4, 2022

World Arthritis Day 2022 Theme

The theme for World Arthritis Day 2022 is “It’s in your hands, take action.” The theme of arthritis day aims to raise awareness about the disease among caregivers, patients and the general public. World Arthritis Day demands that urgent measures be taken regarding the disease, also taking into account modern science and its advanced technology, which can also make the eradication of the disease possible.

History of World Arthritis Day

The first traces of the disease arthritis date back to 4500 BC. C. and were common among prehistoric people. It was much later, in 1859, that Dr. Alfred Baring Garrod, a British rheumatologist, coined the name “rheumatoid arthritis.”

The first World Arthritis Day was celebrated in 1996 in collaboration with the International Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation. The day aimed to raise awareness by bringing the world’s attention to a painful and silent disease that affects people around the world.

World Arthritis Day 2022: Quotes, Messages, Slogans, Hashtags and Wishes to Share on October 12

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