Who is Kitty O’Neil? Get to know one of Hollywood’s most prominent stunt drivers

On the 77th birthday of Kitty O’Neil, an American specialist who suffered from hearing problems from a young age, Google showed a doodle of her in a yellow jumpsuit. The doodle is made by a Washington DC-based deaf artist, Meeya Tijang.

Who was Kitty O’Neil?

Kitty O’Neil was an American stuntwoman and actress who suffered from an illness in her childhood that affected her hearing to the point of going deaf. Despite the numerous challenges she faced since her childhood, she became one of Hollywood’s most recognized stunt performers. Her exceptional talent earned her jobs as a stunt double in several films such as ‘The Bionic Woman’, ‘The Blues Brothers’ and ‘Wonder Woman’.

Kitty O’Neil: early life

Kitty O’Neil was born on March 24 in Corpus Christi, Texas. Her father was an officer in the United States Army Air Forces. He died during Kitty’s childhood in a plane crash. Her mother’s name was Patsy Compton O’Neil. She was the reason Kitty learned to read lips after she lost her hearing. Her mother eventually became a speech therapist and co-founded a school for visually impaired students.


March 24, 1946

place of birth

Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

dead day

November 2, 2018

place of death

Eureka, South Dakota, USA


Double in dangerous scene

Kitty O’Neil: career

Kitty began her career as a stuntwoman for 1970s films such as The Bionic Woman and Wonder Woman. Additionally, she became the first woman to join Stunts Unlimited, an organization for Hollywood’s top stunt performers.

How did Neil end up becoming a stuntman?

Neil joined a swim team when he was twelve, which eventually developed his interest in diving. He also won a gold medal in place of a substitute driver who did not show up. Six months after this event, he won the AAU Southwest District junior meet. In 1962, his family moved to Anaheim, California, USA, for Neil to be trained by a nationally recognized driving coach, Sammy Lee.

Overcoming challenges

All the hardships Neil faced since his childhood did not stop him from achieving greatness. In 1976, she received the honorable title of “fastest woman in the world” for breaking previous records of drivers of rocket-powered cars. Apart from this, she set a female fall record of 127 feet in her performance as a stuntwoman in an episode of the Wonder Woman series. Her story is an inspiration to many. In 1979, her biographical film titled Silent Victory: The Kitty O’Neil Story was released.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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