Who are Feid Parents? Meet Jorge Mario Villada and Berta Lucia Hoyos

Who are Feder’s parents?

So who are Feder’s parents? According to our research, Feid’s parents are Jorge Mario Villada and Berta Lucia Hoyos. Feid is a Colombian singer-songwriter born on August 19, 1992.

real name

Solomon Villada Hoyos

Nick name


date of birth

August 19, 1992


31 years old

place of birth

Medellin, Colombia




colombian singer and songwriter

Country of Citizenship


Chinese zodiac



Jorge Mario Villada and Berta Lucia Hoyos

Who is Feder?

On August 19, 1992, the world welcomed Colombian singer-songwriter Fader, whose musical prowess and unique artistic style have made his mark on the Latin music scene. Born Salomón Villada Hoyos, Fader’s journey from Medellin, Colombia to global recognition has been marked by his extraordinary talent and dedication to his craft.

Fader’s musical journey began when he discovered his passion for music at an early age. As a singer and songwriter, his work resonates with genre fusions such as reggae, pop and R&B, allowing him to reach audiences across cultural boundaries. His unique voice and innovative melodies set him apart, creating his own unique signature sound.

Over the years, Fader has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the industry, further cementing his place on the international music scene. His collaborations span genres and languages, reflecting his versatility and willingness to experiment. This willingness to push boundaries has earned him a loyal fan base and countless accolades.

Fader’s music often delves into themes of love, relationships, and personal growth, connecting with listeners on a deeply emotional level. His lyrics are full of sincerity and his performances exude charismatic energy, leaving an indelible impact.

As an artist, Fader’s contributions extend beyond his musical career. He has become a cultural influencer, using his platform to advocate for social causes and connect with audiences in meaningful ways. His authenticity and genuine approach has won him the admiration of fans and peers alike.

In essence, Feder, born on August 19, 1992, is not only a Colombian singer and songwriter, but also a musical visionary who breaks barriers with his innovative sound and true artistry. His influence on the Latin music scene continues to grow, and his journey serves as inspiration for aspiring artists and music lovers worldwide.



Fader Biography

In the vibrant Colombian city of Medellín, a musical prodigy named Salomón Villada Hoyos takes to the stage, whose stage name is as catchy as his melody – Feid, also affectionately known as Ferxxo. Feid was born on August 19, 1992, a day when the stars seemed to align and his destiny as a singer and songwriter began.

Feid’s journey is a symphony of collaborations and genre fusions. It’s like he’s on a musical roller coaster and has all his favorite artists on board. From reggae titan J Balvin to heartthrob Sebastián Yatra, Feder has combined his talents with some of the biggest names in Latin music. If the names aren’t familiar to you, don’t worry – just listen to Feid and you’ll likely find guest stars serenading you.

But it’s not just a star-studded network that defines Feid. His music echoes the streets he grew up on, the emotions he felt, and the stories he collected. With a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he croons about love, life, and everything in between. His lyrics are like hidden messages in a bottle, waiting to be discovered and resonated by the listener. When Feder takes the stage, it’s not just a show, but a magnetic experience that draws you into his world, full of rhythm, dance and a distinctly Colombian flavor.

In the wondrous tapestry of Feder’s life, every note, every collaboration, every performance adds color and depth to his musical canvas. So whether you’re swinging to his beat or wondering what surprises he has in store next, Fader’s journey keeps us eagerly focused on the next exciting chapter.

Fader era

Talented Colombian singer-songwriter Feid hits the big time in 2023, unleashing his musical mojo at the age of 31. Born on August 19, 1992 in the bustling Colombian city of Medellin, Fader’s journey has been a symphony of captivating melodies and music. mood. At 31, he is at the peak of his creativity and a beacon of inspiration for aspiring artists and music lovers around the world.

Fader’s voice resonates like a warm embrace, the stage is charismatic and compelling, and his age is just a number compared to his timeless artistic quality. His optimism and enthusiasm remain unabated as he continues to create, collaborate and connect, infusing his music with a vibrancy that transcends time. With each song he shares, Fader adds another touch to the colorful canvas of his legacy, reminding us that age is but a marker of the musical tapestry he has spent years weaving.



Feder is an accomplished Colombian singer and songwriter who proudly represents his nationality on the global stage. Fader hails from Colombia, a vibrant and culturally rich country, and his nationality is closely linked to his artistic identity. Located in South America, Colombia has a rich musical heritage spanning genres and styles, and Fader’s contribution to this tapestry is a testament to his national pride.

Columbia’s influence on Feder’s music is evident in the rhythm, melody and storytelling of his songs. Whether it’s the infusion of reggae beats or the emotional ballads that echo the country’s passion, Fader’s nationality is an important thread in the structure of his creative expression. His music resonates not only with Colombians but with audiences around the world, fostering an appreciation for the diversity and richness of Colombian culture.

Fader’s journey as a Colombian artist is a testament to the power of music to bridge cultures and connect people from different corners of the globe. As Feder continues to showcase his nationality through music, his impact on the world stage has cemented his status as a proud representative of Colombia’s artistic heritage.

Fader’s career

Colombian sensation Fader has captivated audiences around the world through a dynamic and innovative career, leaving an indelible mark on the Latin music scene. Emerging from the creative melting pot of Medellin, Fader’s career has steadily risen, fueled by his unwavering enthusiasm and unique musicality.

Fader’s journey took a pivotal turn when he ventured into the music world, and his unique blend of reggae, pop and R&B quickly made his presence felt. Collaborations with industry giants such as J Balvin, Sebastián Yatra and Maluma have bolstered his reputation, showcasing his versatility and ability to blend genres seamlessly. His 2018 album “Ferxxo (Vol 1: MOR)” further cemented his place in the music industry and offered a glimpse into his creative talents.

His artistic talent goes beyond his vocal talent. Fader is also an accomplished songwriter, weaving stories of love, life and self-discovery into his lyrics. With their charismatic stage presence and magnetic connection to their audience, Fader’s live performances transcend entertainment to become transformative experiences.

From Medellin to the international scene, Feder’s career has been one of constant growth and exploration. As Fader fearlessly navigates the ever-changing landscape of the music industry, his influence endures, making him a beacon of inspiration for emerging artists and an artist cherished by music lovers worldwide.


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Categories: Entertainment News
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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