What is the New Supercontinent ‘Amasia’?

The world is divided into 7 continents and each boundary consists of different habitats and terrain. Scientists have observed a late alternation of the world’s geographical borders. It is reported that the Arctic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea will evaporate and Asia will collide with America forming a new supercontinent called Amasia, a merger of America and Asia.

According to the researcher from Australia’s Curtin University and Peking University, China said the Pacific Ocean is shrinking an inch every year, meaning that within about 200 to 300 million years the land masses will fall and the US They will collide. with Asia to create a new Asian supercontinent.

Dr. Chuan Huang, lead author of a study published in the journal National Science, “Over the past two billion years, Earth’s continents have collided with each other to form a supercontinent every 600 million years, which is “This is known as the supercontinent cycle. This means that the current continents will meet again in a couple of hundred million years.”

Future supercontinents are believed to have formed in two very different ways: introversion and extroversion. Here “introversion” means the closure of the inner oceans and “extroversion” defines the closure of the outer oceans. The expert says: “The first involves the closure of the internal oceans formed during the breakup of the previous supercontinent, while the second involves the closure of the previous external superocean.”

The formation of the new supercontinent depends on the shrinking of the Pacific Ocean; The estimated period for the simulation of Earth’s tectonics is estimated at a maximum of 300 million years. The expert says that Australia will play an important role in this event, as it will first collide with Asia and then connect America and Asia once the Pacific Ocean disappears.

The new supercontinent is expected to form on top of the Earth and move south of the equator. It is believed that this geographical development will allow Antarctica to remain isolated at the bottom of the world.

The team explained that Australia is already moving towards Asia at a rate of about 7 centimeters per year, while Eurasia and the Americas are moving at a slower rate towards the Pacific Ocean.

The research also says that the formation of the new supercontinent will bring drastic changes in topographic boundaries. Eurasia and America are gradually approaching the Pacific Ocean at a rate of about 7 centimeters per year.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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