What Is The Difference Between Affect And Effect? Examples and Sentences.

There is a lot of confusion surrounding the English words “affect” and “effect.” People, even native English speakers, often use them interchangeably, which can lead to misunderstandings. Let’s take a closer look at what they mean.

What is “affection”?

Affect is a verb that means “to influence” or “to produce a change in something.” It is often used to refer to how something emotionally impacts a person, such as how music or art can affect our mood.

For example, a person’s experiences can affect how they view the world and their beliefs and values.

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What is “effect”?

Effect is a noun that refers to the result or consequence of an action or event.

For example, it is important to recognize the effects of our environment as they shape the way we perceive and interact with our environment.

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Affect versus effect: comparative table



Impact something or someone.

The result or consequence of an action.

Used as a verb.

Used as a noun.

Cause or influence a change in anything.

Effect means the result or outcome of a cause.

For example, a person’s environment can also affect their behavior and development.

For example, environmental influences can have a profound effect on our behavior and development.

One method to see if you are using affect and effect appropriately is to substitute the words with another verb in a sentence. If the phrase makes sense, affection is the right choice; If the sentence does not make sense, effect should be used.

Take the example above, a person’s environment can also affect their behavior and development. Let’s replace the word affect with a verb.

A person’s environment can also alter their behavior and development. The sentence makes sense, therefore affection is used correctly here.

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Take the other example: environmental influences can have a profound effect on our behavior and development. Let’s replace the word effect with a verb.

Environmental influences can have a profound alter about our behavior and development.

The sentence doesn’t make sense, so you know, effect is used correctly here.

Note: The above mentioned method may not work in some cases.

Examples of the word “affect”

I) Juan’s words affected the outcome of the meeting.

II) The painting affected him emotionally.

III) The humidity has greatly affected my mood.

Examples of the word “effect”

I) The effect of Juan’s words was incredible for the meeting.

II) The painting influenced his emotional state.

III) The rainy weather had a devastating effect on my mood.

Synonyms of the word “affect”

Influence, act, work, influence, impact, change, alter, modify, transform and control.

Synonyms of the word “effect”

Result, consequence, result, reaction, repercussions, final result, conclusion, outcome, sequel and by-product.

In short, affect is a verb used to denote an impact of something on something, while effect is the result of an action. Look at it this way, when you affect something, it has an effect on you.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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