What Is Narco Test? Why Is Delhi Police Testing Aftab Poonawalla?

A local court has granted permission to the Delhi Police to conduct a narcotics analysis test on Aftab Poonawalla, the alleged murderer of Shradha Walker.

The police went to the Saket court seeking permission to conduct an anti-narcotics test on the murder convict, who they say has not cooperated with the investigation.

Police intend to use narcotics analysis evidence to uncover all the facts of the incident.

Shradha Walker, a call center employee, was allegedly murdered by her partner, Aftab Aamin Poonawalla, in May.

According to the police, after a disagreement between the two, Aftab strangled Shradha, killing her in the process. He then attempted to hide her body by dismembering it into 35 pieces. He initially kept the dismembered parts in a refrigerator for a month and then scattered them throughout the National Capital Region.

Aaftab was questioned by police about the murder, but did not cooperate. And now he will have to submit to a narcotics test.

A drug test is a form of investigation in which a drug is administered to an individual to bring the truth to light.

It involves injecting a “truth serum,” which is made of sodium pentothal, scopolamine, or sodium amytal.

When this medication is dispensed, the person enters several stages of anesthesia and eventually enters a hypnosis-like state. As a result, individuals’ self-awareness is reduced, allowing them to communicate freely.

During this state, the subject is more likely to provide information or truth than during the conscious stage.

A psychologist, investigating officer, or forensic specialist must be present at all times and act as a supervisor during the narcotics test.

However, there is a possibility that the tested subject may still provide false information even under the influence of these medications.

Aftab Poonawalla will soon be put on trial for drug trafficking, as police say he intentionally misled investigators by lying about what he did with Walkar’s phone and the gun he used to dismember her.

Is the drug test always accurate?

No, the Narco test is not completely accurate. Some subjects were found to have lied and given false information even while under the influence of the aforementioned drugs.

The Narco test on Delhi murder convict Aftab Poonawalla is being carried out to better understand the mental health of the accused and acquire details about the brutal murder.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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