What is Apple’s new Mixed Reality Headset?

Apple has been rumored to be working on a new mixed reality headset for several years now and there have been many reports about the same in recent months. This is what the latest reports say.

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—Mark Gurman (@markgurman)
June 2, 2023

What are Apple’s mixed reality headsets?

The latest report from Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman claims that Apple will launch its new mixed reality headset at its WWDC 2023 conference.

In his blog, he mentioned, “Apple’s next big thing is finally here, and the company will announce its mixed reality headset at WWDC on Monday.”

The mixed reality headset will combine augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies and will be the first headset of its kind launched by Apple.

It will be powered by Apple’s custom chip that will carry 4k displays and will have a separate battery.

Additionally, it is believed to have a high-resolution pass-through camera that will allow users to see the real world around them while wearing the headphones.

The headphones are said to be a high-end device that will be priced around $3,000. And have multiple cameras to track the user’s head and hand movements.

It will also run on a new operating system called xrOS. Apple’s mixed reality headset is expected to offer a variety of features, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR).

The blog says, “The product combines augmented and virtual reality. Virtual reality features will be powered by a pair of bright 4K displays inside the headset, while augmented reality functionality will be enabled by video pass-through mode.

“The headset has a digital crown like the Apple Watch so users can switch between AR and VR. When in virtual reality, the user is completely immersed. When augmented reality is activated, content and applications recede slightly and blend into the real environment around the user.”

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What can you do with a mixed reality headset?

Here are some of the potential uses for Apple’s mixed reality headset:

Gaming: Apple’s new headsets could be used for gaming, both virtual reality and augmented reality.

Education: Can be used to provide students with a virtual tour of a historical site or allow them to interact with 3D models of molecules.

Business: The headset could be used for business purposes, such as providing remote training to employees or allowing them to collaborate on projects in a virtual space.

Entertainment: People can use it to watch movies or play games.

Mark Gurman in one of his blogs stated: “The main use cases will be communication, video consumption, well-being, gaming and productivity. One person who worked on the device called it part “status symbol” and part “future of the computer.”

The possibilities of Apple’s mixed reality headsets are endless. However, the company has not set a release date for the same.

The price of the product is really high and the tech giant has no aim to make much profit from this new headset and will initially sell it only in the US.

Bloomberg’s blog states “While the headphones will debut on Monday, they won’t go on sale for several months. Internally, the company has discussed release dates ranging from after the iPhone 15 launch to December and early 2024.”

The blog also added “The device will cost around $3,000 and Apple doesn’t plan to make much money on it. “It could be one of the few Apple products that doesn’t offer a huge margin, as Apple doesn’t want to be completely priced out of the market.”

Apart from this, Apple will notify certain users with health problems to try and not purchase this product. This is because AR and VR can have a significant effect on your health. Bloomberg reported the illnesses and they are:

  • Past traumatic brain injuries
  • Post-concussion syndrome
  • Pacemakers and certain heart conditions
  • History of fainting or seizures.”

If you are prone to inner ear infections, have ADHD/ADD, anxiety disorders, a pacemaker, epilepsy, fainting/seizures, or are pregnant, you may be warned not to use headphones. In addition to Meniere’s disease, past traumatic brain injuries, post-concussion syndrome, migraines. https://t.co/fuasZ1Cy8F

—Mark Gurman (@markgurman)
June 2, 2023

In conclusion, it is still too early to say for sure what Apple’s mixed reality headset will be like, but it will surely be a major player in the AR/VR market.

Source: Bloomberg, Mark Gurman

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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