What is an Exercise Bike? History, Pros and Cons

Staying fit is essential for everyone, no matter who they are. Diseases and illnesses do not discriminate based on race, sex or social status. However, exercising has become a luxury that not many can afford today. The fast-paced modern lifestyle does not allow most people to take care of their bodies. High-end gym memberships also demand ridiculous costs and consistency. There are some gyms that allow you to come in at any time, work out, and charge affordable rates.

That’s why home workouts are gaining popularity. Imagine being able to exercise from the confines of your home with minimal expenses involved. One of the best ways to have an intense and safe training session is by using a stationary bike. These are stationary bikes that lock into place and provide the same experience as a real bike. There are many pros and cons of using a stationary bike. Today we take a look at the history of exercise bikes, their benefits, disadvantages, and more.

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What is a stationary bicycle?

An exercise bike, or exercise bike, is an indoor exercise machine that looks and functions like a regular bicycle, except that it is fixed in place. Stationary bikes are some of the most used and popular indoor training equipment in the world and are a staple of any good home exercise routine.

Origins of stationary bicycles

The first exercise bicycle dates back to the end of the 18th century and was called the Gymnasticon. Invented in 1796 by Francis Lowndes, the Gymnasticon emerged as a product of the newly developed science of orthopedics. It used and exercised all the joints of the body. The Gymnasticon used a set of flywheels connected to pedals and wooden handlebars. You can see a Gymnasticon figure below.


Image credit: Wikipedia

Pros and cons of exercise bikes

Stationary bikes are an effective tool for a good workout, but like everything, they also have some advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of exercise bikes.

Advantages of exercise bikes

  • Increase cardio and endurance: Stationary bikes are a great tool for improving heart and lung health. This further increases your stamina, lowers blood pressure, improves memory, brain and immune system function, and reduces the risk of heart disease.
  • Helps lose weight: The good thing about stationary bikes is that they can be adjusted for different intensities and purposes. Those looking to lose weight can benefit from using exercise bikes as they provide the magnitude needed to effectively shed those extra pounds and burn fat.
  • Strengthen your lower body: You can say goodbye to your skinny legs and thighs by exercising regularly on stationary bikes. They pamper your entire lower body and even your core, and can improve your muscles.
  • Safety: Stationary bicycles do not carry the risk of accidents on the road or in bad weather conditions. You can exercise from the comfort of your home and it’s just as good, if not better, than cycling outdoors.

Cons of exercise bikes

  • Expensive: Stationary bikes can be heavy on your wallet, especially high-end ones. The more features, the higher the cost.
  • Tedious: Doing the same thing every day can be boring and affect your mental health. Try to switch exercise bikes frequently to avoid looking at the same wall or place every time you exercise.
  • Lack of fresh air: There are certain benefits to inhaling fresh air from outside and getting your daily dose of natural light while cycling outdoors. Indoor exercise bikes feel like riding a real bike, but it’s not the same.

Bottom line

Stationary bikes are incredible exercise machines that can help rehabilitate those suffering from injuries, athletes looking to increase their endurance, and everyday people trying to get in shape. However, it doesn’t provide the fresh air and outdoor atmosphere experience of actual biking, even though it feels like it. Everything has two sides, and the same goes for stationary bikes.

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Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: ptivs2.edu.vn

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