Watch Dogs: Legion – Camera controls: How to Photograph Evidence and enter Photo Mode explained

The camera in Watch Dogs: Legion is an essential tool in several missions, such as when you need to take photographs of evidence inside enemy bases.

Although it’s introduced early in the campaign, it’s easy to forget how to access the camera again, which this page explains, as well as how to find Watch Dogs: Legion’s photo mode.

In this page:

For more information on Watch Dogs: Legion, check out our pages on drones, how to find a spy and a hitman, arrested and injured agents, and the game’s map and waypoints.

How to access the camera in Watch Dogs: Legion

There are times when you need to open the camera in Watch Dogs: Legion, such as for the Evidence Photography side missions scattered throughout the city, which often require you to infiltrate an enemy location and find the screen or object in question.

Once you’ve found what you’re looking for, stand in front of it and open the item wheel. You can do this by holding Right on the D-pad.

In addition to the Operative’s specific abilities and chosen equipment, there are several other options listed on the right side. One of them is the camera.

Press the button next to it (on PlayStation it’s Square) to enter a first-person camera view.

Now it’s time to capture why we came here. If you are completing a mission, an “Objective in Sight” message will appear on the screen, confirming that you are in the correct location to complete the current objective.

Now take the photo and the objective will be complete.

How to access Photo Mode in Watch Dogs: Legion

Photo Mode is slightly different to using the Camera option, as rather than being mission critical, it’s a more flexible way to take photos of your Operative and its surroundings, perfect for posting something silly you see and are about to to post later on Twitter.

To access Photo Mode, press and hold the Right button on the D-Pad to bring up the Operative’s ability to rotate, the same way you would access the camera for Test missions.

Then, on the right side, there are several options with button prompts. One of them is Photo mode.

Press the button next to it (on PlayStation it’s Triangle) to make it appear.

This will freeze the action (perfect if you’re in the middle of a firefight) and offer a number of options to manipulate the scene to your liking. Change the scene however you want and then take the photo until you’re happy with the image.

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