Watch Dogs 2 multiplayer modes tips: Cooperative Operations, Free Roam, Hacking Invasions and Bounties explained

Cooperative operations in Watch Dogs 2

These missions can be played solo or in two-player co-op, and are randomly generated with a handful of categories available: (dis)legal (dis)order missions pit you against the FBI, CTOS Haxx pits you against Umeni-Zulu. , and Crime Hunt has you dealing with gangs, but aside from the type of enemy you face, all the missions are drawn from the same pool of basic types, and if you’ve played the story mode, then the mechanics of them will probably be instantaneous. familiar.

  • Stealing a vehicle from a restricted area. Making a clean getaway pays dividends here: you need to get the car to its designated location in more or less one piece, so escaping without triggering a chase is preferable, so assigning one person distraction duties while the other Taking care of the car is a decent strategy.
  • Download some data from a restricted area. You’ll have to stay fairly close to whatever you’re downloading while the data is transferring, but having both players nearby will increase download speeds.
  • Steals one or more items from a restricted area. These lend themselves well to you and your partner splitting up to minimize the amount of time you spend behind enemy lines.
  • Destroy various items in a restricted area. Unless you get lucky and entice an enemy to throw a useful grenade, at least one of you will need explosive or shock charges for this.
  • Releasing a prisoner from a restricted area. The prisoner is always behind a door locked by a panel that requires physical access and is usually located some distance from the door, so a practical strategy is for one player to head towards the prisoner while the other deals with the locks. . Fortunately, prisoners do not need an escort after being freed, so as soon as they are untied you can retreat.

Tasks vary in difficulty, with harder challenges providing a greater reward and usually including additional objectives for a small bonus, such as completing them within a certain time period.

As with the story mode, you can approach these missions in a variety of ways, but it’s important that you and your partner agree on a strategy beforehand: if one player tries to sneak up on you and the other just goes in shooting, things will go wrong. terribly wrong quite quickly. Ideally, you’ll also want to be able to coordinate during missions, so voice chat is highly recommended, especially if you’re trying to complete your tasks without confrontation.

Roam freely in Watch Dogs 2

You can team up with another player and simply explore the world, collect items, and cause mayhem as you go. If you’re looking for KeyData, RP, or other loot, both players will need to collect them, but this could be a useful way for new players to get a bit of an advantage, if you can recruit someone with a full arsenal. of tricks, they can be of great help in securing the path to a difficult to reach item if you do not have enough power.

DedSec events in Watch Dogs 2

While in co-op mode, you will occasionally receive an alert about a DedSec event. These are short tasks, like hacking a hostile NPC, and require much less planning than specific quests; As long as you and your friend agree on what kind of approach you’re going to take when they show up, you’ll be able to resolve them easily. .

Do you want more tips? Our Watch Dogs 2 walkthrough and guide provides an overview of everything you can do in the open-world game, from finding all key data locations, unique vehicles, and finding hidden gnomes and gnome outfits, to racing tips, ScoutX, Driver SF. and multiplayer. We also have tutorials on side quests specific to Ubistolen Trophies and Achievements, $911, and Shadows, as well as how to get more followers and how to earn money.

Hacker Invasions and Bounties in Watch Dogs 2

Hacker invasions and bounties work similarly, in that there is the hunter and the hunted. The game’s phone app can help you become the former, while the latter can take place as you explore the world or gain a high wanted level from the police.

However, if you don’t want these multiplayer distractions, you can easily turn them off: go to Game Options (it’s an app on the phone), then Settings and Online Preferences to toggle them.

Be the hacker in hacker invasions

Once you have started the hacking process, you will need to avoid detection while the download is completed; You can use the height differences to your advantage, create a distraction (for example, hitting a gang against a skilled cop) and then get lost in the chaos, go around a building to keep the target on the opposite side, or you can try just blend in with NPCs if your target is in a crowded area.

You’re under no pressure to start hacking quickly, so if your target isn’t in a good location, simply follow them until they’ve moved to a better environment.

Regardless of your strategy, a combination of NetHack and the quadcopter can make it difficult to avoid detection, so sooner or later you’ll find out when you need to escape.

The target is free to use any means at its disposal to eliminate you, but any attempt on your part to harm it will cause you to fail, so moving a significant distance away is your only chance.

Getting Hacked in Hacker Invasions

As soon as you’re notified that you’re being hacked (or before; see below), deploy the Quadcopter if you have it, switch to NetHack, and look for someone behaving strangely: that guy on the roof, the one walking slightly speed different from the others, or the one crouching behind a bush will be your opponent, and if there are no obvious suspects, simply do a methodical sweep of the area.

Once identified, your job is to eliminate them and you have the clear advantage that they cannot retaliate, so feel free to use weapons, explosives, environmental hazards and any other tricks in your arsenal.

Preventive detection in hacker invasions

It is possible to know that you have been invaded before the hacker is even near you; While they are invading, you cannot fast travel or initiate an intrusion or bounty hunt, and attempting to do so will result in the general capture of the hacker. The location is displayed on your map, allowing you to make your move well in advance!

Bounties – How to survive being the Bounty

You can approach this in two ways: find a defensible position and prepare for a siege, or try to flee. Either way, your exact position will be visible to anyone chasing you, so breaking line of sight isn’t enough to escape: you must eliminate all human participants and then hope you can evade the police before another hunter shows up. , a circumstance that requires more than a little luck.

It’s worth keeping in mind that each human opponent you eliminate earns an additional Follower reward regardless of whether you manage to escape, so simply crouching and eliminating people as they approach until you run out of luck or ammo can be more profitable than achieving it. your goal to escape.

Bounties: How to Prosper as a Bounty Hunter

Depending on where you are in relation to the target and whether they are running away or hiding somewhere will dictate your strategy, but generally speaking you just need to approach and defeat them. If they are fleeing, this can be a long and exhausting process, especially if they are far away when you start, and you may have to rely on some good luck to close the gap.

Also note that the police will be involved and for once they are on your side, so hurting them (deliberately or accidentally) is prohibited, so drive carefully and be careful with your aim.

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