This fun brain teaser about a rooster might roast you hard!

Feeling bored? Try this exciting brain teaser!

Since we were children, we were all forced to participate in a rat race to prove our intelligence.

Our tutors tried to take us to the best schools so that we would not be left behind.

We study in depth, we compare ourselves with others and we try to be or at least pretend to be the best.

We learned many theories and formulas that helped us achieve good results. However, sometimes these heavy theories put a veil over our common sense.

That is what we intend to prove here.

As? Do we have a machine to test common sense? Well, we wish we had one, but for now we have this exciting puzzle that is exactly the same.

Here’s the brain teaser!


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A rooster is sitting on the roof of a barn facing EAST.

The wind is blowing from the WEST at 10 mph.

The rooster lays an egg. In which direction does the egg roll, EAST or WEST?

Come on, think about it!

Did you say THIS one? Consider the wind direction again!

Well, check the answer below! The rooster himself wants to know!

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Forget the answer, just tell us where you got the eggs you ate this morning.

You bought it at the market, right? The man in the store bought it from the poultry. And the birds got their eggs from that HEN, not from any ROOSTER!

Yes, there are no eggs in this brain teaser, as roosters don’t lay eggs!

Didn’t we warn you that the answer could burn you? We did it, we did it!

Seahorses are truly fascinating! Find the hidden one in this optical illusion image!

Categories: Optical Illusion

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