The Big Ben clock looks appealing, but there are beautiful pigeons too. Can you find the hidden pigeon?

Find the hidden pigeon and enjoy some facts on Big Ben!

Big Ben is not attractive for nothing. The architecture, design and reason for creating the watch are enough to make it a visual attraction.

Are you sure to say that you know a lot about this beautiful place? Well, if you don’t believe it, we have brought some interesting facts about Big Ben that you cannot miss. And oh, did we tell you that we also thought of a challenge?

Keep reading.

Fact 1 about Big Ben:

The official name of the place is not Big Ben.


Well, you read that right.

It was previously known as the Clock Tower.

However, in 2012, the clock tower’s name was changed to Elizabeth Tower after Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee.

Furthermore, the term “Big Ben” is not used to refer to the clock, but to the bell located inside the tower. What makes the story even stranger is the fact that the bell’s real name is not “Big Ben,” but “Great Bell.”

The term “Big Ben” is nothing more than a nickname used for the bell. The nickname comes from the name of Sir Benjamin Hall.

Fact 2 about Big Ben:

The watch was designed by a lawyer.

It was Edward Dent, a watchmaker, who designed the initial design of the watch. However, Edmund Beckett Denison, a lawyer, entered the scene and changed the design so much that he became known as the clock’s chief designer.

Oh, it’s challenge time!

Can you find the dove hidden in this beautiful image of Big Ben?Jagranjosh

Image source: The Quiz Central (YouTube)

You only have 10 seconds for that!













Can you find the hidden dove?

Here you are, admiring the beauty of Big Ben!


Image source: The Quiz Central (YouTube)

Fact 3 about Big Ben:

There are pennies on the pendulum

The last interesting fact about Big Ben.

The Big Ben clock has English pennies. If the clocks speed up, a coin is added to the pendulum. If the clock is slow, a coin is removed from the pendulum. The same practice gives rise to the English idiom, “putting in a penny”!

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