Summer Game Fest 2023 and games conference schedule: All conference dates, times and streams

Summer Games Fest 2023 takes over as the premier gaming conference this June following the cancellation of E3 2023 earlier this year.

This year, Geoff Keighley’s Summer Game Fest hosts conferences from Ubisoft, Devolver Digital, and Xbox, whose showcase will include a look at Starfield. There are also other conferences taking place alongside Summer Game Fest, including the PC Gaming Show. So despite the lack of E3 this year, June still promises to be full of new trailers and game reveals.

Below you will find a complete schedule of the Summer Games Fest 2023 conference as we know it so far, in chronological order and including programs outside of Geoff Keighley’s scope, and will update it if more events are announced.

Explanations of the Summer Game Fest 2023:

If you’ve followed our summer conference guides from previous years, you’ll know that, along with date and time details, we included some background reading so you have an idea of ​​what to expect ahead of time. However, as always, a couple of surprises await us.

We will also populate this page with streaming links as each conference is broadcast and, following tradition, many shows will also have dedicated live texts on the Eurogamer homepage. So if you want to join the conversation, be sure to stop by!

Summer Game Fest 2023 schedule at a glance

Update: Since June has come to an end, so has the Summer Game Fest 2023 schedule. If you want to know what was announced or shown during the many, many June conferences, visit the section below for a selection! of links!

Due to the cancellation of E3 2023, Summer Game Fest has become the main video game conference this June. Starting with a keynote presentation, this event continues with a series of conferences spread over a week where Devolver Digital, Xbox, Ubisoft and others will take the stage.

One of the main events of this year’s summer gaming conferences is, of course, Starfield Direct, which is part of the Xbox Games Showcase. Hopefully we can get a good look at Starfield’s gameplay! There will also be a variety of previews of what’s to come from various developers during the conference.

What has been announced so far?

As the conferences progress, we will shuffle the presentations that have been broadcast and post links to the abstracts we have published, allowing you to catch up on any announcements:

Where will Sony’s summer 2023 conferences be?

If you’ve followed summer gaming conferences in the past, you’ll know that the big three console publishers like to have a show around this time. However, you probably noticed that Sony is not in the program above. At the time of writing, the upcoming Nintendo Direct had recently been announced.

In Sony’s case, this is because they already had their version of a summer conference last month. The PlayStation Showcase livestream took place on Wednesday, May 24, and gave us a look at a variety of upcoming games, including Final Fantasy 16, Alan Wake 2, and Marvel’s Spider-Man 2. Not forgetting the reveal of Project Q, a DualSense controller with a screen, which works with the cloud. (Reminds me of the Wii U Remote…)

For a rundown of everything shown during this livestream, including trailers, check out everything announced in Sony’s PlayStation Showcase article.

PlayStation Showcase 2023

The Marvelous Showcase also took place on May 25, giving us a look at a new title from Story of Seasons and Rune Factory, among other projects.

Wonderful game exhibition 2023

I hope you enjoy Summer Game Fest 2023!

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