Seek and Find: You have hawk eyes if you can spot the fake candy in 7 seconds!

Seek and Find Puzzle: The “Seek and Find Challenge” is one of the most popular online puzzles that tests people’s observation skills and attention to detail.

The hidden element can be any object, animal, number, alphabet, etc. This activity is very effective for improving observation and concentration skills.

Are you one of the select few people who can solve this puzzle?

Try it now!

Also read:

Search and find: Sherlock Holmes would be proud if you found a bell in town in 4 seconds!

Search and find: find the fake candy in 7 seconds


Source: @anastasiakhoroshenko

In the image shared above, you can see 6 sugar-coated candies on the screen, of which two are cherries, two donut-shaped candies, and a piece of watermelon slice and a bear.

The challenge presented to you is to find a fake candy in the image within 7 seconds.

Considering the time limit, this is a challenging task and only those with exceptional visual skills will be able to solve the challenge within the time limit.

The purpose of this puzzle is to test how attentive and detail-oriented you are.

Have you found the fake candy in the picture?

Hurry up; time is running out.

The fake candy is present before your eyes, but the way it is presented in the image makes it challenging for users to detect it.

Did you see the fake candy now?

Focus on the image to see if any variations can be detected in the image.

The last seconds remain.


The time limit has ended.

We believe that most of you were able to find the fake candies in the picture, while some of you may still be confused and cannot identify the fake candies.

Are you curious to know what fake candy is?

Then take a look at the solution below.

Find Fake Candy in Image in 7 Seconds – Solution

The fake candy is present on the right side of the image. While all the others are sugar-coated candies, the pair of cherries on the right side is a painting.


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Categories: Optical Illusion

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