Seek and Find Puzzle: Only the brightest minds can spot an umbrella in the cafe in 7 seconds. Are you one of them?

Find Hidden Umbrella in 7 Seconds

Seek and Find Puzzle: The “seek and find” puzzle is based on the premise of finding an item hidden within a picture within a time limit.

These types of puzzles are often used as a form of entertainment and are known to improve cognitive skills such as attention to detail and visual perception.

The hidden element can be any object, animal, number, alphabet, etc. This activity is beneficial to increase concentration and improve your observation skills.

In this activity, you will be presented with an image and the challenge before you will be to detect the hidden element. It’s a quick and easy way to test your attention to detail.

Do you want to test how attentive you are?

Then try this quick search and find challenge now.

Search and find puzzle: only the keenest eyes can find any emoji in 5 seconds

Search and find: find an umbrella in the cafe in 7 seconds


Source: Cool Side

The image shared above features a cafe scene where people can be seen enjoying their time indulging in gossip and drinking coffee. But did you miss something?

As the title suggests, there is an umbrella hidden in the image that you must spot within 7 seconds.

This challenge is a good way to test your attention to detail.

To detect the umbrella it is necessary to observe the image carefully.

Seek and Find Puzzle: Can you spot the crying baby’s lost pacifier in 6 seconds?

Did you find the umbrella in 7 seconds?

Finding an umbrella in a coffee shop in 7 seconds is a difficult task. But people with excellent observation skills will spot the umbrella faster than others.

Have you seen the umbrella?

Hurry up; the clock runs fast.

The umbrella may be right in front of your eyes and yet you cannot detect it at first glance.

Did you see the umbrella now?





The time limit has ended.

How many of you were able to spot the umbrella within the time limit?

We believe that most of you will have already seen the umbrella, while some are still searching.

Curious to know where the umbrella is hidden?

Then quickly check out the solution below.

Find the Difference: Can you spot 3 differences between the two images in 6 seconds?

Find the umbrella in 7 seconds – Solution

The umbrella can be seen near the cafe walls on the left side; It is held by a man looking out the window near the check-in counter.


Categories: Optical Illusion

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